Hackers Deface NASA Web Servers On Day Of Space Shuttle Disaster

Yes, just another ignorant American that thinks that finding the unjustifiable slaughter of Iraqis an objectionable prospect makes a person "liberal". Try looking "liberal" up in the dictionary, and while you're at it, try looking at some news other than Fox and CNN and getting a bit of truth about the situation in Iraq. I've got lots of American friends, but the mindless masses in America that think that war is a game or a good thing and support this invasion paint a grim picture indeed of their country. If this goes ahead, it sets a dangerous precedent whereby the U.S. can invade anybody at all without approval from the U.N. simply because they don't like them. Americans have this highly hypocritical attitude and wonder why people start smashing planes into their buildings, get a clue. The U.S. has a far more dubious recent history than Iraq, and hold a firm place in Dubya's "Axis of Evil". Try reading about the unprovoked bombing of Cambodia resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civillians, or WHY Iraq hates the USA (betrayed by them in the Iran war, where the USA gave chemical weapons and a pat on the back to both sides). Try reading about the CIA death squads in Central America during the 80s. The USA is a far more dangerous and unscrupulous nation than Iraq, and should be disarmed for the good of the world at large. My condolences to the families and friends of those lost in the shuttle accident.

Whatever the motives, that's just plain mean and rude. :(

Don't get me wrong, Saddam Hussein is a terrible terrible man, probably even nastier than George W. Bush. I don't condone the actions of the Iraqi government, but allowing the US to invade without just cause sets an extremely dangerous precedent, and it irks me greatly that the American public are so easily manipulated into supporting such an endevour. If you think that your country should be able to freely invade anyone that they don't like the look of, then good for you, as long as you're not the leader of a superpower, that's fine by me. In contrast to you, I am anything but ignorant, and am quite happy in my life. I'm not on any "bandwagon", and any resentment I have towards the US government and its supporters is a result of the attitude that the US is somehow infallible and exempt from the rules. I have no resentment towards the US as a country, in fact, I think the very fact that I give a damn how they behave illustrates that I care about the US. Your attitude however, is typical of what's gone wrong with your kin. Trust me, whatever Iraq has done, your country has done just as bad, but you don't figure that into the equation when you judge a nation and condemn them to death. Look at the murder rate in your own country compared to the rest of the Western world, then realize that you should be turning your attention to the sickness of your own country before making yourselves judge, jury and executioner for the rest of the world.

eeehhhh.....allow me to make few corrections Sir; If we're gonna be talking about 'injustified slaughter of Iraqis' maybe you should start by the thousands of innocents Kurds including woman and children which Sadan murdered using chemical weapons and...the many others murdered when he ordered the attack on Kuwait. I just love it, when one of this mussulims freaks starts running their mouth against the war on Iraq when they forget all the horrible things which Sadan has done to their own mussulins brothers. :P :P :P :P, now that is HIPOCRISY! I don't know what type of books have you been "reading" or where from you get your news, but, The USA never really 'betrayed' Sadan in the Iran war, Sadan was the one who started the war and though that by keeping the Iranians at bait, he'd score big points with the USA etc. Sadam is not a very popular person in his own country, he's hated by the Kurds in the North and some other group in the South which i've forgotten their name. With this having been said, why don't you try to be more careful while reading books in the future and at least make an effort to aborbe what you read. :) Ah, for the record Fox News rules, it is the only worth watching source of news in the USA.

Remember that as civilians, you do not have access to all the classified information the US and other governments have gathered. You have no idea about what threats remain- only what is reportable and what is reported. Call the US what you will out of misplaced anger and resentment, but on 5 Feb, President Bush will share with the UN Security Council the minimum information he feels is necessary to gain UN support of my nation's intention to forcibly end the threatening situation in Iraq if need be. We will no longer tolerate a deadly shell game with weapons of mass destruction. Iraq has had 12 years to comply, during which, they have violated UN resolutions over 70 times. Time is up.