Hacker Speaks! Vague Threats Made to Valve

Is that pre-gold HL2 different than the beta making the rounds? I'm getting all confuzled again. :roll:

I don't give a crap anymore. Nobody cares. Get a life.

An update from the anonymous leaker... This was found in the nfo for the patch that I reported Well, I forgot to update you with the freshest stuff from Valvesoftware. Detonator-52.13-ANON got leaked today, its the new NVidia drivers for HL2, though i have no fancy video card to test the driver on. Btw., for those of you still thinking -ANON is a group, i have to say it isnt. Its just Anonymous. To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to understand it wasnt finished yet. Also I'd like to point out the E3 was one big fake by Valve. Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ? To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no such thing as a much better release in Valves network! To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do. - Anonymous leaker Well, he does seem to mention that Valve had NO OTHER NEW content on their networks. If he has anything, it's probably more bits and pieces to the source code. Anyway, I'm not sure, this "updated nfo" I got from halflife2.net, and it seemed to be pasted by someone, it might not be the full thing.

The ANON leaker/hacker (anonymous), has said in an undisclosed IRC channel and room that he will be releasing the Pre-Gold version of Valve's Half-Life 2 tomorrow with the 100% SourceCode. When asked why he will be releasing it so soon after the Beta he said "I suggested Valve to stop lying to their customers about how much was stolen. However, they disregarded my statement and called me a liar. Now they will see how much I have been lying when I release the Pre-Gold and all 100% of the sourcecode. Actions speak louder then words." I was in the IRC channel and room when people where buzzing with the new news. I just wanted to let you guys know, for you all will know soon enough, especially when it will be out tomorrow. I just hope Valve does something and something real soon. And for you guys that will come in here flaming, it is not fake and I did not make this up. In a little while go into any IRC channel (I won't tell you which) and you'll hear the buzz too. Remember, Im just trying to tell you guys what's up. Judge me tomorrow when it comes out if you want. I am not trying to support Warez but its not like I can do anything about it to stop him. Holy shit! If he has 100% SC, then that is going to be fucked.

It said that Valve has "nothing more, nothing less, in their networks." But now in this supposed HalfLife2.net update it says that 100% SC and Pre-Gold will be released. But it dosen't make sense if you take into account what was said in the first post, about Valve not having "anything else." Regardless, still makes ya think just what this chump has... :/

stfu dude

Yeah, if anything it will contain more material but it will be no full game either. But still, there is a slight chance that people can make their own crude little "hammer editor" and before you know it an underground community begins to make hundreds of maps for the game, hacks the game to support multiplayer, makes their own "3rd party patches/performance fixes", all before the final retal legal game is out in stores. That would be very bad, and I hope this dosen't turn out to be the case.

I just hope law enforcement hits this idiot guy very, very hard. I bet he already got some more mature hackers on his tail aswell.