Grand Theft Auto 1 - For Free

Just so no one else pulls an idiot move like me yesterday... After you submit your name & such on the form that the link above will connect you with, R* will send an e-mail with the download link to whatever e-dress you provided in the form. It's to keep down the bandwidth stealers, the link I was e-mailed downloaded right quick for me. :) (And yes, I did submit the damned form about 20 times yesterday waiting for a download to start...I'm such a moron at times! :rolleyes: ) Oh, the other thing? There's one other noteworthy feature in this updated version: MULTI-PLAYER!!!! :D

well i have been trying all day to download and its not even connecting :| took about 5 hours to get it to register to send me the link :(

err? there was multiplayer in GTA 1 from the beginning.

I was on a 14.4 when I was playing the original and the concept of online gaming wasn't very practical to me. :rolleyes:

lol ok, i was restricted to LAN's. But the game rocked. :)