Futuremark Responds To 3DMark 03 Discussion

All I'm wondering is when game developers are going to start producing games with more focus on the gameplay rather than the graphics and physics. Nice gfx and physics should only be considered a bonus, not the main thing that will make the game sell.. Baldur's Gate 2 is one of the few relatively modern games that actually draws you into the story of the game. The last really good and entertaining FPS that was ever made would have to be Duke Nukem 3D. Last year, me and my classmates started playing it and we couldn't stop until we played through all of it, after we did that we started fragging eachother in some deathmatch games. Star Control 2 would get my "Best space adventure game of all time" award, and perhaps even the "Best game ever" award aswell. If I could, I would play it even today but WinXP is holding me back and I haven't found any good solution yet. This is, of course, only what I personally think.

that's some sick shit mr nvidiot, you wish that those ppl die just because nvidia blows ? get a life... turn the 'puter off- i too run unreal 2 which aint all that great at full fps, + aniso + 2AA a happy ATI 9700 pro user

I agree. But I think aliens vs predator 1&2 were great games too. and of course blood. I still dont get it why all those stupid game developers make unreal 1, 2, 5, 34, 64627 etc games and not a single funny one like blood anymore. all 3d shooter are the same boring shit!!!

you try to argue with logic. but 3dmark03 doesnt fully support PS 2.0. and not everyone is a "I-buy-every-shit-no-matter-how-crappy-the-drivers-and-support-is". ATI gives support a new name: supoort

I bet you'll be smashing aliens in Unreal II for _at least_ one more week or two.. wooh, what a game. Oh well, if you're satisfied with it I won't try to spoil it or anything. I still think they should be able to come up with better gameplay. And I agree with the previous poster, AvP1 was a really nice game. They managed to capture the feeling of being a marine, walking around in the darkness with aliens lurking everywhere. Everyone I've spoken with agrees that it's 'quite' frightening, and if they manage to produce such feelings in a game, I think it's something special.

get a graphics card thats more than just Directx 7 compatible... the gf4 mx is build on a geforce 2 core - which is ages old, and tou require direct x 8 and 9 to run test 2 - 4. you properbly should have investigated a bit more before you bought the CHEAPEST AND MOST LOUZY graphics card on the market!

"3DMark03 lags just about every computer with the best hardware" remember how 3dmark01 performed when that got out? it wasnt pretty. 3dmark ists the limit higher, whice is a part of the proces to make manufacturers of gfx cards to strive for faster and better cards.

they might fall back to ps1.1 because the 1.3 and 1.4 ps extencions isnt compatible, and since 1.4 is the latest directx8.1 extencion that nvidia choose NOT to implement because it was developed by ATi then they are in their own boat.

... mindless dimwit!

"AvP is too scary for me, I could only play it as the alien..." LOL!!

dont give me that driver nonsense.. the catalyst are just as good as the detonators! besides my card is a modded Radeon 9500... which ISNT expensive!