FutureMark & NVIDIA Statements

oooh this is sooooo fucked up :P "In the light of this, Futuremark now states that NVIDIA's driver design is an application specific optimization and not a cheat ."

There is nothing on FM website as one that is a regular in FM chat and boards I say wait for FM statement first ... as long as it nvidia only I wouldn't trust it

'application specific optimization' are just nicer words for 'cheating'

who cares about cheating on a stupid benchmark ?! come on FM get 3D Mark04 and forget about the BS03

am i getting this straight. ATI optimized, nvidia changed code. We all love optimization of drivers which is fair enough. But changing code is different, thats cheating?. Is this the truth of it. Nvidia have a lot of clout and money so thats why they can almost do what they like. personally i prefer ati because they were honest about what happened. I have no preference over which is best. I had an nvidia card nut changed to ati because it was better value for money thats it!

money talks!