First Build Of Windows XP SP1 Integrated!?

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Isn't 3xxx the convention used for server (.Net)? I think is a typo.
Completely incorrect.... This is a download for the Tablet PC Developers.
Think this is a build for Tablet that is on the same track as .net server. I don'; think it's a typo, it means that pro 3604 tablet is available form download which is based on the code base as .net server and for all the other xp builds. It's not as grand as it sounds, .net server and tablet built from the same code base, seems pretty logical to me. I just wonder if we will see a pro/home build with these builds. ??? Also microsoft are doing internal builds of .net server, are they also doing additional revised builds of pro/home in the 2600+ build numbers.
It's a Tablet PC build. The shmuck who made the screenshot drew his box right through the line that reads "Tablet PC"