Firefox 1.04 & Mozilla 1.7.8 Released

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Yay, once again a complete uninstall and reinstall. I just hope this time everything works smooth and I dont have to delete all my configs again..........
Yeah its probably only me.... Might wanna take a look at the official forums.....
Thats even worse than uninstalling and reinstalling. I did that at the very beginning and each time I did it, it fucked up everything. Its a known bug, but until now it hasnt been fixed. well, maybe it has been fixed with this version, but it isnt mentioned in the release notes. I just hope I dont find out the bad way...
Just in case you didnt get it the first 5 times: Look on the official boards. Just because you or your friends never experienced problems doesnt mean there arent any........................................
The problem seems to be related to some addons or specific versions of them that can damage profiles when installing new version of firefox over the old one.... But I haven't experienced any problems installing over existing version... guess I feel lucky :)
Agreed. But maybe next time try not to sound like some fanboy venting out how great everything works for him. Maybe people will react different on you then. :)