FarCry = FartCry

I want to see some screenshots to prove that there is a diference between the IQ of the drivers, if there isn't any then what's the problem ?

No argument from me. Shader replacement isn't wrong in and of itself, it's only when it's sacrificing image quality for speed that it's a no-no anymore. That being said, I've heard of a lot of graphical issues with this driver set too....so I want to see more testing and results.

Very Interesting. But, if the drivers were cheating, wouldn't the FPS actually drop once you change the executable name. Normally, cheating drivers raise fps in games in exchange for reducing quality.

...in this case it's looking like they rushed in a few of the shortcuts because these latest drivers are 'sposed to be REALLY glitchy visually in FC with these. App detection isn't a bad thing, but when it's done badly it is. If they trade quality for performance just to close that 20% gap against the X800 than that doesn't sit really well with me. I wish I had one to test it out with myself though, I hate taking other people's words for visual stuff! :(

article'sopening is all wrong though, AFAIR the Quack debacle was over ATI cheating not nvidia.