Exclusive: ATI Responds To v6.14.10.6351 Driver Leak

So 3DChipset what say you now ?

Forget about this driver crap, forget about ATi; go relax and enjoy some R&R. I can't believe all the flack you've taken over the last couple of days and how damned gracefully you've dealt with it, I would have been a raving loon within the first hour and have gotten meself banned at half the boards I belong to! My hat is off to you sir, you are a gentleman. I'm glad to hear about your ideas for going for earlier releases, how about just "Monthly or more" for your driver motto and just release them as they're ready? Don't rush quality just to get the number of releases up, you folks are doing a great job as is. :D Hugs and many thanks, I'm gonna go play with that toy you gave me and try and forget all the fanboyism for a while! ;)

He has something to say !

Well if we are so much yesterday why are you still here? Go and get a life.

In my opinion, 95 % of our stories are well investigated. Shure, it can happend that we post sometimes something old or double, but.. we are all humans with faults and if we do not post minor disinformation, who cares for one old story between 30 - 40 new a day ? ;-)

We call W2s- semiprofessional ;-) But shure, that s the difference. But all in all, I don´t speak about me, I think our posters and all the others including 3dcs doing a good job for the peepz out there. And we need geek - amateur sites like us and others for the "useful news", means drivers, betas and a lot of babble. that makes the job so interesting

Aren´t there more important thinks in the world than a driver ? Anyway, all the ATI discussion is very good marketing for them, 4 free ;-)

I agree !

I didnt say they did change the name, just the inf file. In the end does it matter ?? They are not the final release of the cat 3.5s therefore they are NOT the 3.5s simple as that !! Also if ATI say they are not then they are not. They were written by ATI so if anyone should know then they should dont you think ??!!