eDonkeyBot - Very useful eDonkey-Tool!

Absolutely awesome!! it searches like 200 servers almost instantly for you T

hey ! I thought EdonkeyBot was made by a french person called PB33 !!!! Not blade ! If I'm true, STOP claiming other's people software !! Go on www.edonkey200.com french forum and you'll see that I'm right ! The only thing Blade may be the author is english translation ! STOP that ! this soft is freeware, and great, so let it's real maker get the ownership and fame !

Yeah, you're right , stupid americans they always believe that they have created everythings. Rendons à Ceasar ce qui appartient à Ceasar ! VIVE LA FRANCE ET PB33

Yep it is correct pb33 is the man behind the tool, also the tool is now ver. 061. (The link posted is ver. 060) But thx for info about the tool, have it now added to my homepage :o)

Jeoulous frenchman. Go run from a war or something.

Really a great tool, but one guy really suffers: maurice is practically "bombed" with the auto-update function in that bot! For community's sake - everyone switch that off.