DNA Drivers 9.3.10a VS Omega Drivers 2504

I receive an error upon installing the Omega drivers saying error code #1 (not sure of the exact number). I also had this issue with the Omegas that while playing games such as Q3 I my gamma goes dark and I have to restart the game. Now by no means do I prefer DNA over Omegas, but these are the first version of Omegas I have ever had an issue with. I ended up installing the original ATi 3.10 cats and the problem is gone.

Define modified..? if not changing the reg..? also the extra resolutions in Omegas ane nice. As for anybody can doit.. well i dont want my mom in the reg! i think you opinion is just a bit to simplistic.

Omegadrive has never claimed his drivers are anything other than the stock ATi drivers that he makes some tweaks to and sometimes mixes modules on, he has NEVER claimed he "made" them! I really have no clue where y'all are getting your info from, Angel has always been a pretty modest guy as well as a friendly one and it just makes me sad to see people who have no clue ripping his drivers apart like that. :( I like Omegadrive, and I like Omegadrive's drivers.

and he gets his "reference" driver from Catalyst Team direct, BEFORE it is released, so he can do what he does. He has been doing it since 3dfx, and has always "come clean", his best work to me was bac in the win98 days before XP when ATI had some issues getting drivers out and bug free. But ATI is real good now, so its more of minor tweaks and early repairs of bad OGL, when ATI makes a slip. For many his mix and match is the best.. DNA has ripped him and lied. And cant even make a installer.

you sir are a nincompoop.

lol hi killersneak... you looser..lol This started before DH was even made.... I bet we could go bac to Rage3d and get your very first post... then all your BS and crap /have to reformat drivers... then the total rip of omega. and the debate with Cyborg red..... which he quit making XP/2000 ati drivers...lol. lier and a thief.... go to tard copy .

lol i went to Driverheaven and i register there, few childish forums modrators flamed me, and then some kid banned me.. go read my replies there... lol W2S > *

lol i went to Driverheaven and i register there, few childish forums modrators flamed me, and then some kid banned me.. go read my replies there... lol W2S > *