Digital Rage @ PETA Strikes Again

I hate to state the obvious but WTF is this story even doing posted here.

As a member of PETA, I support whatever they do to fight for those little guys that can't fight for themselves.

Don't yous have something better to do than attack children? You don't us meat eaters rubbing crap in your face (or your kids face) for not eating meat. This is about as "sensible" as those of the Jewish faith (Or any other such faith) handing out leaflets to kids whose parents take them to see Santa Claus to point out their parents are lying to them & there is no Santa Claus.

By that I mean any faith that doesn't celebrate Christmas.

Dude, Chill out. I eat meat, I'm just in peta because I respect the fact they try to protect animals that are being abused. And there ain't no santa....;)