Detonator 23.xx V-Syng Regs !

If you're referring to the overclocking ability then it's not true. I'm using 23.11 driver and my overclocking tab is still there.

my coolbits is working to 23.11 is not affecting me either but i still think the 21.85 are better.

If you read the whole post @ Maxreboot, it says that coolbits does'nt disable the use of overclocking, but v-sync. That is what the regs are for. Cause disabling v-sync doens'nt work in the new 23 dets. Even if you set v-sync disabled it won't disable it in games that automatically enables v-sync, f.e Max Payne & E-Racer.

Cool bits diabled in the control panel of 23.11? who cares? everybody who wants it can reactivate them with NVMAX... So whats the fuss all about???

I still have the coolbits tab and im using the 23.11 official drivers from nvidias website

Im using coolbits and have 23.11 drivers too =D

Sorry to burst your bubble m8, but my V-Sync is deifinitley NOT on with the 2311's, and i haven't had to touch the registry