Demand Better Support From Creative Labs Petition!

I hope that number gets up to like 2,000 because their drivers are really a POS. MY computer couldn';t go to standby for 2 Fu$$ years, and finally they released the XP drivers and i was able to go to standby.

I would love to see a DEMAND FAR BETTER SUPPORT FROM ATI!!! I own there 8500 & the Drivers for totally suck ass!!!!! I have games the 8500 will not even runn & I get Random lockups & garbage fonts at least 1 time a day... The last set of drivers they coughed up were freaking beta & that was almost 2 full months ago.... THIS IS THE FIRST & LAST ATI PRODUCT I EVER BUY WITH THIS SH*T SUPPORT!!!

Creative used to be "the" name in the soundcard industry, but since the SB16/AWE32/AWE64 the support has gone from bad to worse. My SoundBlaster Live! (Original Retail) hasn't worked properly with Windows 2000 (and later XP) since these OS's were first released. Even after the XP driver updates, i've still encounter problems w/ SPDIF out and multiple speaker support. As for ATI, their drivers were never know to work quite right. I also own a ATI Radeon 8500, fortunately I haven't encountered any problems to date (other then some TV-OUT overlay issues). However, considering their past track record, the 8500 still shows a small glimpse of potenial... whether or not ATI goes through with it or not is another story. Bottom line is, if you want constant driver updates (and more stable drivers), buy an Nvidia card. If you want more features/better technology buy ATI, deal with the driver issues, and hope for the best. And if you want a fully functional sound card, don't even give Creative a moments glance.

I don't think their drivers totally suck ass... I've had a 3rd party Radeon 8500 Retail for about 3 weeks now...I'm running Windows 2000 Pro with the 3286 driver from November and i haven't had a singl problem with any games yet... I haven't had a lock up, problems with fonts or games not wanting to run... If you have a KT266/266A board that might be the reason VIA has found a problem with these chipsets and the Radeon 8500...

hey um u stupid moron this is about creative's audio card's not ati's pos video cards,you should of been smarter and took it back and bought an nvidia card duh....

yeah.... i wanna sign the petition... creative sucks...there number is not toll free.. bastards... i had a POS cdrom.. it was replace twice.. and it broke down again the third time... and warrenty went out.. creative sucks.. bastards

I want to say thank you for everyone who signed the petition, please... link this petition EVERYWHERE! Im kinda in a hurry, i dont have time to make an account here... monster trucks tonight.. heh. anyways. Thank you Warp2search for getting the word out, please email me for any questions.

um, i guess Creative needs to make a "n00bs quide to installing drivers" guide. lol XP support is great, there is no spyware in drivers, you can install what software you no need to see a notice of what is installed.

you're trying to tell me that their dxr3 card support under xp is great? I guess you just don't know what you're talking about