Deal Of The Day!

wow googlegear is good, that p42.0 is over $600 in us dollars while googlegear has it only for $439.00 and it comes with the fan and heatsink. hey also what i noticed instead of getting a coolermaster fan above you can get a thermotake dragon orb(still cheaper than 292.58 uk pounds in a bundle)

damn NewsFactory you are stupid, or your just blind.

yes he is stupid or blind.

thank you whoever you are. thanks for pointing me to i was gonna buy an alienware pc but now I am just gonna buy all the parts retail from googlegear, the same pc on alienware was gonna cost me $2989 but on gogglegear it is only going to cost me about $2100 !!!! thank you !

your welcome, glad to help you in saving in buying a pc, just willing/trying to set others mistakes right, hey also I bought a whole pc with many accessories from googlegear instead of alienware, i saved near $1000 too. i bought a p4 1.9 512 rdram gf3 sb augigy platinum 2 40 gb seagate barr. hd's and and much more, all retail parts, I built/assembled it myself. total cost was about $2212 back in august compaired to alienwares price of 2700 with less parts and less ram

shut up! p4 1.9 sux athlon XP kicks ass!!!

p4's are faster than athlon xp's anyday! i'm not talking about game benchmarks where the videocard helps alot, i'm talking about actual straight cpu benchmarks! and also athlon xp was not released yet when i purchased my system, it came out in october, i got my system in last august.

well don't you feel smart.

I Do, I saved a bundle!

Whats the point of posting any news if all the feedback you get is these idiots telling you the deal sucks! I appreciate the post even though it isn't the greatest deal. Usually I would skip right by, but these comments are all too common now. If these morons had a brain they would realize nobody gives a shit about there opinion! Some of us are old enough to make are own decisions, if it is a good deal were in, if it isn't we skip right past without making moronic and useless comments that make us look stupid!

You have no clue what you are talking about! Take a CPU Benchmark using SiSoft Sandra 2001 Pro. My 1GHz Athlon(O/C'ed to 1.35GHz) benches higher on the CPU test than a P4 1.6GHz! You saved money?????? I paid $75 for my CPU which is half of any P4 out there. Unless you stole it I would say you got ripped off:)

I checked the prices at my usual place and it added up to $314! There was a time I thought googlegear was a decent place also, but luckily I found this store before I bought there:) Although my total above is with a retail CPU, why would you buy one(other than warranty) if you are getting an aftermarket HSF with it? The OEM 1700+ would knock $20 off that price, bringing under $300!

it's no use posting US bargain places if the original is a UK offer. We know US prices are less than ours but there is no need to rub it in! Most of the US places either don't ship to the UK or charge the earth for carriage.

you are a complete idiot............amd beats pentium period!!and dont give me shit aboput the stupid ass heat-sink fan ....its noit gonna fall off i guarantee it!!1put iot like this you dont go out of the house with your pants down do you? dumass lame.....

At this point in the performance curve, can anbody really find a MEANINGFUL purpose for choosing P4 over AMD or vice versa just because one is "faster" than the other? Unless you are serving up apps and data to 200 client stations from a central server, what's the point? All of this power mostly goes to waste except in the case of those doing REAL work such as compiling or number crunching or heavy graphics, etc. But for the majority of us, faster just means bragging rights. And that's a lot of fun! -bob

At this point in the performance curve, can anbody really find a MEANINGFUL purpose for choosing P4 over AMD or vice versa just because one is "faster" than the other? Unless you are serving up apps and data to 200 client stations from a central server, what's the point? All of this power mostly goes to waste except in the case of those doing REAL work such as compiling or number crunching or heavy graphics, etc. But for the majority of us, faster just means bragging rights. And that's a lot of fun! -bob

googlegear sells retail parts, few are oem, usually googlegear sells both retail and oem of the same part you can tell the difference either because the title/discription says retail or the price is a little higher than the oem version. also the retail parts from googlegear have the full mfg warrantys along with the parts since they arrive at your house with original sealed mfg box. I wouldn't know about oem since i don't buy oem.

well don't you feel happy with your ibm ps/2: 1 mb edo ram 297mb ibm hd, 1mb cirrus videocard and ess audiocard and only a 3.5 foppy drive,

just use google gear great international shipping rates to the uk.

unknown is one of the cheapest UK sites for online ordering ( is v. good as well). Remember the prices include UK sales tax (VAT) at 17.5%