C&C:Generals leaked to the web!

you are just looking in the wrong spots as it for sure has, and is 2 cd's big. But really it much better to head out and buy it for the online play as that is where all the fun is really at anyway.

I always buy my command and conquer games :)

I just want to say... you guys are aware that this isn't the first time it has happen nor is it the last. It will keep happening. Are you going to post a news thread when Spliter Cell gets leaked? It will happen trust me. And every other game gets leaked. Personally, I think you guys should NOT post news bits of games getting leaked on the web. This will only get the attention of those that are lesser in the know and will prolly try to go look for the game themselves. Try not to post game leaks news bits | relases in the future... thanks, it will all do us good.

Because there are probably better then 30 programs a day leaked to the web last I knew. Every game there is is leaked to the web. How is this news unless this is a warez site? Report them all instead of one or 2 a week or dont do it at all. I think that was the obvious point of the post above.

most games gets leaked sometime between the "gone gold" date and the final release date, so i dont see what all this fuss is about.

lol newsgroups, check isonews or nforce and u'll see its rlz'ed