Catalyst 5.3 Out

You are welcome. My initial results are a 10fps gain in the Doom3 Timedemo, this driver seems to have great OpenGL! One bad spot though, and am not sure if its the driver or the latestest update from Valve. HL2 and CS:S fail to run in full screen, the Steam games will only run in their safe modes. But the D3D must be good as I also tried Unreal Tournament 2004 and it ran like a champ. I say, if you play a lot of OpenGL games, you want these drivers.

Update: It appears the Steam issue I was having was related to the 5.3 drivers with the standard control panel. I removed those drivers and installed the 5.3 with the CCC. I ended up with a 99.74 fps in the CS:S Stress Test. Not bad at all for an ol' 9800 Pro!