Cannot Start Windows XP if the System or Software Hive Is Missing or Damaged

GOT THE SAME PROBLEM ON 14th JANUARY!!! What happened to us??? Any virus?

This is not a virus..hehe I got that error after i tryed to install those stupid 23.11 Det drivers. Crashed, infinite Loop. So i reset to go into safe mode, but got that error. I had system restore points so it booted after that.

i dind do anything.. i just started and boom... registry corruption

RUH ROH! Looks like someone forgot to terminate a process. :-0

Me too, I just didn't do anything... and when restarting I got this message... I have had it 3 times already in just a few days... what's happening???

I've had this problem about a trillion times well maybe a hundred and I have finally abandoned XP Pro(corp) for my old haunt 2K Pro(mainly because of school as I love XP) the easy fix is to insert your install CD and boot from it and then after everythings loaded hit the R key to repair and then once into the repair prog type cd C:Windowssytem32config once in the directory then type copy C:windows epair(system or software depending on the error) it'll ask if you want to overwrite select Y then type exit restart and everything should be peachy tho you may have to reinstall some drivers and stuff sorry about being so long but this has happened numerous times to me and this is the fix I have found there may be another but I haven't seen it =)

I've had this problem about a trillion times well maybe a hundred and I have finally abandoned XP Pro(corp) for my old haunt 2K Pro(mainly because of school as I love XP) the easy fix is to insert your install CD and boot from it and then after everythings loaded hit the R key to repair and then once into the repair prog type cd C:Windowssytem32config once in the directory then type copy C:windows epair(system or software depending on the error) it'll ask if you want to overwrite select Y then type exit restart and everything should be peachy tho you may have to reinstall some drivers and stuff sorry about being so long but this has happened numerous times to me and this is the fix I have found there may be another but I haven't seen it =)

I have also had this problem and i turned out that the cause of this was that windows xp was shutting down my computer to fast, before windows has closed the registry which caused my registry to go bad. The solution to this was to add a delay to my shutdown and I did this by setting "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" key in registry to 1. This will force windows to clear the pagefile att shutdown, giving windows enough time to succesfully close the registry. I have never experienced this problem after doing this.

Just another little XP quirk: Be sure to configure any IP address with leading 0's or you'll have connection errors!