Bikini Karate Babes Demo Download

That this story has got over a thousand views and it's still the lead off story as of this post, yet it hasn't gotten a SINGLE comment 'til now? I haven't downloaded it, I'm busy playing U2. :p

I CANNOT beleave that THIS CRAP is still getting publicity from W2S! Every 2 months we have to see this here. I ask myself: Is this considered news? This is the WORST game that any game disigner could ever invent! Jessus!

It may not occur to some, but news posts about Bikini Karate Babes and the like are hilarious. They provide a certain comic relief that many web-sites strive for but only few can obtain. Really, who else is going to post that this demo came out?! Surely not ign or gamespot.

You are entitled to your opinion and no doubt it has some value to the owners of W2S. You are being very unfair though in assuming they create this sight for your pleasure.

I agree if you didn't know it could only be a joke, then you have lost somethin along the way. Everyone knows it is crap , the joke was that they even bothered to make a demo; LOL

Ok, if this was a joke then haha... The game is so bad, I have even downloaded it after one of the first post about this in W2S maybe 6 months ago. In that time they were posting as if the game was terrific. Jezz, 4 cds of the worst torture that a person can stand :-) I should have downloaded better the Play Boy 2002 calendar on CD-ROM. That is worth it.

OMG! LOL! I downloaded this massive demo (230MB+) to see what the fuss was about and would STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT DOWLOAD THIS TRASH. This has got to be the most pathetic attempt at computer entertainment EVER! I can see the attraction if the game played well with good graphics of sexy babes. God knows many martial arts games already have this in their kinky anime way. This game would not have looked great 8 years ago and it certainly looks like some amateurish junk in this day and age. What the hell were they thinking? Horrible graphics both in quality of images and animation. The backdrops look like something from a Commodore 64 game. The sound is ok but the music is not my type. If this game sells it better be for $1 per pop and it would prove that even the faintest promise of some skin sells. TRASH!! Take it out!