Benchmark Results Of The 23.11 Detonators!

I am overclocking using these drivers using coolbits reg hack. It works just fine like the 22.x series I was using before. Geforce 2 1.4 Athlon XP Win2000

i just use coolbits in reg it works got creative gst at 363 men and 230 core no lock ups yet still think xp is slow vs 98 se and thie 22.83 got better scores

i get a bsod when i try to use the 23.11 detonators. i'm running win xp pro. i have a thunderbird 1.4ghz, 256 pc2100 ddr ram, msi k7t266 pro r, geforce gts 2, sblive 5.1, dlink 530tx+, adaptec 2940, etc... the error i get refers to the nv4_disp.dll something about it got stuck in a loop. any advice would be helpful.

I have had no problem with any GeForce 2 or 3 card with any of the WinXP native drivers or any nVidia XP release drivers. I've tried about 35 different combinations

How come no one cares about anisotropic filtering not being in drivers...i miss this feature badly while im playing wofenstein under winxp. WHy doestn nvidia support maybe the greatest imaging enhancer utlity in all of 3d gaming? Just wondering, and does anyone know where i can get a hack for xp, i used to do it in me, i love my anisotropy.

After installing Detonator 23.11 (over 21.83) I get frequent BSODs due to memory parity errors from the ECC check on my main memory. Rolling back to 21.83 stops the BSODs. The BSODs are so frequent that I even had problems rolling back the driver. They appear in the middle of otherwise menial tasks such as expanding a tree view, opening a web page or pulling down a menu. I have not tried to run any games or benchmarks. System: Tyan Tiger MP, 2 x Athlon-C 1400, 1GB DDR SDRAM registered/ECC, Leadtek GeForce 3 TDH, Windows XP Pro /Daniel

I had the same problem, though since I got the 23.10 last week the machine works fine. HavenĀ“t tried 23.11.

My xp locks up within an hour or so with the 23.11 drivers. xp gives and error message saying something about bad drivers or bad card. Says software is in a loop and it is shutting down to keep from damaging the system.

I'm having the same problem with XP Home Ed. Random reboots, 3dMark2001 wont run, etc. Still problems even though fast writes off. Running 1.2GHz Athlon, Gf2Ultra

Check out the article on planetsavage, this should clear everything up

I can't use 23.11 in my WinME.. Just lock up when playgame My card Is Inno GF2 Pro Ps help

Same configuration except I have PIII 550 and Asus P3B-F Bios 1.06. After installing 22.80 and 23.11 system locks up before logon screen. I have to use older version.

Same configuration except I have PIII 550 and Asus P3B-F Bios 1.06. After installing 22.80 and 23.11 system locks up before logon screen. I have to use older version.

See answer on !