Benchmark Results Of The 23.11 Detonators!

I got some benchmark results for my Geforce 3 system over here: 22.50: 5475 23.10: 5845 23.11: 6117 System: T-Bird 1.2GHz, GF3, 512MB RAM, WinXP Prof.

You got them to work on XP pro? How? I have tryed 3 diffrent boxes here with Gf2 cards in them and none just locks up, or resets when trying to go into XP. Had to roll back to old drivers. Lots of other users seem to have same problem.

Strange, the 23.11 drivers are the only ones that work fine for me under XP. Other drivers would not even complete 3D Mark 2001 or lock up in games. No probs anymore, at least not at this time.

The 23.11 drivers are working great for me!

they slow in windows 2000 profession by 200

I've got a PIII 700@1106 with a GF2 GTS/ Win XP Pro and have been using the 23.10 and have just tried the 23.11. I've never had any problem with them... some serious incompatibility for it to lock up. What CPU and motherboard were you using?

They work perfect on my machine! P4 2GHZ ASUS PT4-M MB 256 MEGs PC800 Rambus SB Audigy GeForce3 Ti200 64Megs DDR ram... OverClocked to 225/410

Hey. Anyone tried the overclock tools? GTU, NVMax, etc... do they work under 23.11 or not? Thank you!!

YES, Coolbits do work

im running winXP Pro on a P3 650, 320mb ram and gf2, nothing o/c'ed. I installed over my old ones, didn't even uninstal the old ones. They worked with no problems what so ever.

AC at NVMAX says that his utility does NOT work with the 23.** series drivers due to D3D encryption or something. Unwinder who makes RivaTuner promises that he will release a version that supports these drivers.

Yes I had to roll back to 21.83 after these drivers wouldn't let me get to a full boot in XP. I'm over clocking my card some so I'm wondering if this is playing a part in not being able to install these drivers. I'll have to try again tomorrow at normal speed on the core and memory. Also my USB drivers don't load if XP takes to long to load after updating the drivers.

yes they work fine !! Even with Ti200/500 Btw im using Nvmax with my S/U/M/A GF3 Ti200 @ 240/ you c you can almoust get a good Ti200 to work as a Ti500...and youll have some money left :)

yes they work fine !! Even with Ti200/500 Btw im using Nvmax with my S/U/M/A GF3 Ti200 @ 240/ you c you can almoust get a good Ti200 to work as a Ti500...and youll have some money left :)

I see that a lot of you guys are saying the Dets lock your system when u install them. I have a T'Bird 1.33@1.5Ghz running Win Xp Professional and I have alwayz ran the dets for my Nividia based cards. Recently i acquired a Asus G3 Ti500 and I found that lock ups only occur when the card is clocked too high. Try using default settings for the core/memory speed.

went from 6200 to 6817 in 3dmark2001, as I upgraded from 21.83 to 23.11 (wow!) running hercules gf3ti200 (oc'ed to 200/440), xp1600, winxp pro. the new drivers seems to run just fine.

Im the original poster: Athlon 1.4ghz (Nothing overlcocked on system) Epox 8KHA 256 meg Crucial DDR ram. Creative labs Geforce2 pro (useing 22.50 dets now) Linksys 10/100NIC TEAC 16/10/40 Pioneer 10/40DVD IBM 40gig 60gxp WD 20 gig (backup) WinXP PRO OEM Like i said, nothing overclocked...latest Epox BIOS for board...which works fine. I even tryed putting ram settings back to normal instead of Turbo for DDR, but still same results trying new dets. If you have ANY idea, you can email me thanks.

I have a 700@1120! HHAHAH! Beat that!

some games lock up during winXP will virtually all versions of detonators---until i disabled my AGP Fastwrite in BIOS. i think the problem has something to do with the transfer rate of the data

All d3d games are locked at 75 fps. V-SYNC definately OFF. Tried refresh rate at 60hz, fps still 75, so not related to refresh rate I think. Cured browser lock ups. Open GL not affected. 3Dmark 2001 5788 points. Back to 22.80. T/B 1200, g3, ibm 40g, kt7a, s/b live, 516 133 ram at 100 fsb, XP usual other stuff.