BattleField 2 - Great Game - Great Features!

not really news is it? everyone already knows this. also english isnt this sites first language is it.. the gramar on that write up is awful!

"also english isnt this sites first language is it.. the gramar on that write up is awful!" Oh, the irony :D

World War II Fanatics? This is modern warfare...

Wow, that one really went over your heads, didn't it?

Actually, no. Though I must admit it's a valiant attempt to try and pretend that your piss-poor grammar in that post was "deliberate". Unfortunately, your most recent postings show that you have little to no grammatical ability yourself. "600MB+ for a demo!!!! jebus. havent they heard of optimization?!" "lame ploy to attract users to thier pretty dead message board." "not entirely sure i want to splurt out how to do it. not sure of the ramifications. if anyones interested or has any advice please mail" "you still need the a valid licence to turn the WMV to into a decrypted format file. i've been decrypting my WMA files for a while now using a easy method i worked out. dont need no fancy tools to do it either." "sigh... what is it with posters on this site not EXPLAINING what a news post is all about? what the hell is this SimplyMEPIS 3.3 ???? the link you provided doesnt even tell us." "thats nice, dear. i dont particually like macs either but i somehow dont think the kit above would cost you approx £340 and are the size of a cd case are they?" You know what they say about stones and glass houses?