ATi shipping .11 graphic chip NEXT MONTH?

LOL DIG? you hate formatting stories we never put up? i havent seen any of those. however i DO know it sux to get a bunch of text with embedded UBB Code, so i hope u donnt mind that i discarded it and referred to digitimes with you guys as source :P

Dang it, the first time in a while I don't format it and you go and bloody post it up.....figures. :roll: I think I'm gonna just cheat and write up a quick script to do the formatting for this place for me, with the amount of submissions I've been doing lately and the bloody pain in the butt it is for me to do manually here it'd pay for itself in a week! :lol: Thanks and no problem. 8)

well you could just email me the story and i could post it up (if its not bullcrap :P) - I believe you have my mail addy somewhere :P