ATI Radeon 8500 To 9100 BIOS Mod

...with the 9100 flash on an 8500 you turn your 8500 into a DX9 card instead of a DX8.1, it enables more features. :) (Hey Candyman! I'll be experimenting on me 8500 a bit later tonight or tomorrow. ;) )

I flashed into 9100 with no problem from a 8500LE. I felt the performance in UT2003 is much much much better than before. Thanks for the great BIOS!

Cool, sorry for me error. I've been a bit distracted lately on a side project and me brain is a bit overwhelmed and squirrly again. :rolleyes: I'm still flashing it though...too much possibilities for bug fixes knowing the R200's history. ;)