ATI Link To Microsoft's Xbox Next Confirmed?

mmmm.... 'They [Nvidia] simply didn't want to meet Microsoft's demands for the floating design for Xbox' . Maybe (and im judging this on the NV35) they couldnt MEET microsofts demands.

Thats part of it yes, no doubt about it, but nvidia arent exactly doing themselves any favours right now when it comes to hardware and software quality.

Yes im sure thats another part of it as well, but even if everything was ok between them, you cant blame microsoft for choosing ATI.

Dont bother, BBEA loves nvidia , they can do no wrong. Its the EA part of his name that shows that.

Maybe they got a good deal ?? maybe ? Perhaps a better (tighter) contract? Which company is stupid enough to try to pass the FX off as a decent product ? nvidia !! Oh hang on a minute, there are enough stupid people out there who will still buy it. Opps....

lol got a big green sticker on his forehead :P

Some of us have higher standards i guess.

You obviously love EA games, ive been to nvnews recently !! You support both companies ?? really ?? When exactly have you said anything nice about ATI ? All ive seen you say is that the 9800 pro 20 % faster than a Ti4600 in Tiger woods, but then go on to say that it doesnt render water or relections properly and base you opinion of the card on that one EA (ie nvidia friendly) game. You come across as intelligent and rational yet still support an almost impossible position. Tell me which chip you believe is the best chip, the R3x0 or the NV3X...

I dont understand why anyone would support the nv3x . Please enlighten me as to why i should .

I dont have an xbox (of my own) and never will, im a PC gamer and coder, hence my dislike for nvidias tactics and bullying.

how about ATI beat Nvidia for the CASH COW BID!!! you know bid? better bid? ATI had the bid that M$ wanted. Nvidia made BIG MAD money on the Xbox gpu, and let them design the gf3 for little money. M$ wanted to change the contract, happens all the time,.... But ATI won the bid because....... DX9 parts Nvidia has NONE.

Now your just being asinine. But if its to much of a leap for you... which is better the 9800 or the FX5900 and why ?

I dont need enlightening, i was hoping you knew something about the FX i dont because i cant see it. The FX is the first nvidia product i wont have purchased, before you try to say im an ATI fan.

Its called sarcasm... No offence but your doing the opposite to me, making nvidia sound wonderful. Nvidia have been very good at discrediting themselves recently dont you think ?!

Oh really ? Denial at its best !! LOL

This is getting boring.. as soon as someone asks why they should get a 5900 you stop answering, as soon as someone accuses you of loving nvidia you stop answering... This isnt the first time here and its also happened at nvnews... your guilty as charged i think !!

I was registered under the same name but lost the password and no longer use the email address its register to. If you dont have a 5900 then why defend it and nvidia so much, as you say, how can you comment ??

Good go back to nvnews, it suits you..