ATi Filtering Discussion Chat Log

interresting... if what we are told here is true i dont consider this a cheat... theres absolutely no reason to apply full filtering to things like walls you look at straight. to waste rendering passes on that would just be stupid. But i like how ati is much more responsive about such allagations than nVidia who close eyes and ears and pretend nothing is going on.

I still can't decide about if it's a cheat or an optimization, I'm gonna play around comparing a 9600 to a 9700 for a while and see for my ownself and then decide. As for the chat, BLEH!!! It's was awful! Technical problems up the yim-yam, it seemed prescripted, and I felt that some of the answers were a bit condescending. All in all, not the biggest/best live chat I've done....I'd say it was the worst 'cept for a certain nVidia one that stands out in my mind. (Although that one at least had the saving grace of a MOST excellent 6 hour pre-show bonanza that was a blast, I always prefer the pre-show fun to the actual chats...and I generally learn a hell of a lot more too. ;) )

Sorry "Bow_To_The_God", I have to jump here for the first time in Warp 2 Search and make clear some points: 1. What checkbox do you refer to? There is NOWHERE in the ATI CP an option that says "enable trilinear filtering", just one that says QUALITY, and if you right click it and ask for more info you will get what the setting will really do, improve quality using filtering techniques. 2. When you go to a restaurant, Do you ask how the food got there? How it was done? Or you just take what they give you (which looks plesant to the eye) and enjoy the meal and how it tastes? 3. DriverHaven has always been an open site for all video companies, is not our fault that Nvidia refused to support us in the first place and ATI did the right thing and supported their fan base. 4. Again, What checkbox? God Bless, Omegadrive

Uhm ok I just need something explained here... Why are you all complaining? First off, it does trilinear filtering whenever it makes a difference. I guess people that complain about this selective shit also forces super-sampling anti-aliasing in Tetris, where it really doesn't do ANYTHING but degrade performance. Maybe I'm the only normal person who doesn't do stupid things like that. And the benchmark issue. What is the purpose of these mysterious meassuringtools? Is it to find out how much (insert company here) beats the hell out of (insert company2 here)? Oh my, and I thought it was used to see what performance you will get from your videocard, not how much it will beat some other card to dust! So if they app-detected benchmarks to force the videocard to do trilinear filtering where it doesn't make a difference, then they would have lied to me because my card will perform better in games while still retaining the image quality.

Jaybo least you admit it. How does it feel now that both companies do things such as this?

Hm one of my friends who's a 3D animator and is usually getting nVidia because thats what happens to be best for what he's doing, read this over and commented that he wouldnt call it a cheat as long as you get the best image quality from the whole deal. and all those image comparisons with ref-rasts doesnt determine any difference between refrasts and ati image quality. If that isnt good enough, then i dont know what is.

Sitting back in me computer chair with my feet curled up under me legs leaning back slightly and rocking, why?

I tried for hours last night comparing a 9600 to a 9700 and I just can't see any AF differences. Sorry, I tried and I can't. :(

...then why aren't you screaming your head off at all of the sites out there that are posting it as cheats?