ATi Catalyst 7.83 Drivers leaked

These are BIG-TIME BETA drivers! They are NOT for every rig/card out there and have some truly staggering performance loss/gameplay issues if'n your card/rig ain't the one these drivers are aimed at. In case you haven't been following the saga, these have been being leaked & pulled off boards since yesterday. Most of the places pulling the leaks aren't doing so at ATI request, they're doing it because THESE DRIVERS ARE MORE TROUBLE THAN THEY ARE WORTH! These are some developers drivers that were never intended for the general public, even in beta form. They were made to address a single issue in a single game for a single developer, and the rest of the driver set has been left pretty much un-optimized. I've heard ONE report so far from someone who likes these drivers, and that's out of more than a couple of dozen people I know with 'em on various cards/rigs. I personally lost 1000 onions with 'em and had horrible gaming issues. Just be forewarned before trying these drivers, they are BETA and they are NOT ready for primetime don't try and say that ATI has crap drivers since these won't work for you, 'cause ATI really doesn't want you to even know these exist! :p BTW-The latest Omegadriver set based of the Catalyst 3.0 set is the sh*t for the Dig right now, they just work GREAT for me! :D

Yeah, I guess I do sound a bit draconic in a doom & gloom sort of way. I just don't want people to get their hopes high with these, I REALLY didn't like 'em and really don't think they're worth the trouble. But nice smack-down on me, very nice! :)