ATI And Futuremark's Response To Nvidia's Report

Cool! I guess the only way to fairly settle this is to have the CEOs of each corporation have a knife fight to the death to see who is right. :) I never thought of 3dm2k1se as indicative of "real world gaming" either...but I certainly thought it was reflective of real world gaming performance. I intend to treat 3dm2k3 the same way, once I get some hardware that'll support it properly. :rolleyes: I really think it's just too soon to tell about if 3dm2k3 is a good indicator or not...we'll really have to wait until some games come out that are that demanding on our systems too. (Although, I am STILL totally up for the knife fight to the death idea!)

Yes, and Tom's pretty much followed nVidia's press release letter for letter and also declared the FX the new "King" of gaming. Aside from having nazi forums mods and all, [h] has shown a tendancy towards bias at times. Neither site is reputable in my book. :(