ASUS 23.12 drivers removed!

and how would u know if u were having that problem? seems fine to me, what should i look for?

Did Asus actually say they removed it (for that reason), or is 'everyone' just speculating? If Asus didn't say anything it is more likely they got fed up with the internet-traffic these drivers were undoubtly causing...

And they're still there on the ftp site anyways. Dunno where they get off saying they were yanked.

i got the infinite loop bsod more often than before... 23.12 suck :( still using 21.83 without problems

it may be on the site but you cannot download it; no permissions to

Correction, it is VIA that sux. Via uses reverse engineered AGP.

ive had no problems with the 23.12 either. ive run rtcw and ran 3d2k1 at 1024x768x32 to 1280x1024x32 and got not 1 crash or any instability. i have a g3 ti200 running xp on a via apollo pro 133A chipset.

no probs here either...... and I did a few benches with them. they seem about right.... 8533 3D2001 marks not to shabby , 1.4 t/b @ 1.56 KR7A,512mb crucial,Asus GF3 .... boo-ya!

no crashes (not ever with XP, since beta1), no problems... hmm, must that internet traffic issue then.... intel 440BX, Asus V7700 pure, Win XP.