Apple Graphical Glitch Reveals Power Mac G5 Specs

I see apple are still talking up the power of their computers... Yawn.

its pretty powerfull.. remember G5 > x86 you cant compare processor speeds as PPC processors delivers much more per clock cycle as it is a risc processor, not cisc like amd/intel (x86)

Thats what MAC users have been saying for years. Ok its partly true, but optimized photoshop plugins dont a benchmark make !! Macs are still VERY over rated and even more over priced. Whatever apple says, buying a mac will still limit your options and although its a personal opinion i cant stand mac OS.

macOSX = FreeBSD byt yea, they're overpriced.

yes but macs are better than PCs at alot of things. I've got a G4 iMac as well as a PC and Laptop and I've gotta say the mac is the best at doing alot of things like DV editing, web publishing and graphical work of which would take a hell of alot longer and would be of poorer quality on the PC.

Its almost as lame as nvidias 'dawn of cinematic computing' ! LOL

I have no problem doing DV editing on my PC, none at all. As for web publishing and graphics, well it was true once, but not any more and hasnt been for a few years now.

What a load of bullsh*t. First off, Intel/AMD chips are practically RISC chips anyway. Having said that, what makes a CPU more efficient than the other has to do with how well the designers do their job, not necessarily a RISC vs CISC debate. I really don't know much about the G5's, so I had to do some reading. If what I read is correct, the G5 can do 8 instructions per clock cycle. Athlon CPUs do 9. Care to explain to me why the G5 is so terrible? Besides, the ultimate test of a CPU is how fast the bulk of the software designed for said CPU runs. Despite the fact that AMD/Intel's designs are so bad , their software runs faster than comparable Macs' run their software. That's what counts fan boy. You better go check your Apple out, it has a worm in it....

I don't agree with all that Nvidia says in regards to their performance, but they generally have a footing to stand on when it comes to their performance claims. Apple doesn't. Apple needs to make a pig their company mascot as that symbolizes how fast their computers run...

True, but unless they leak one of these machines right into my house i wont be getting one and even then it would just be a pretty ornament.