Anandtech's Journalistic Integrity Questionable?

Touche, but they haven't deleted any I'VE posted in... ;) (Ok, that was lame...sorry. I just posted over there since they're doing a bad thing. ;) )

The graph in question isn't biased, it's flat-out WRONG...big difference. What makes it worse is Anand has been aware of it for WEEKS according to his mods and still ain't done anything about it!

Or are you just commenting on ATi in general?

Wow, I'm just an ameteur hobbyist and I have no trouble at all switching 'tween ATi & nVidia cards in 98 or XP...mebbe you'd best check your "computer gaming guru" license at the door along with your ego if'n you really want to have a conversation about the tech. ;)

Aw, do you want to dance again? ;)

yea the only thing we need now is nvidia/ati putting stuff in their drivers, that make transition to the opponend worse... or perhaps is IS being done eh? ;P

"seems some of the cards have problems with AGP 8x motherboards)" it was the motherboards that needed fixing..