A Problem With ATI's Drivers In DOOM 3? @ TechReport

I'm struggling to find any mention of this "known problem" in either the 4.8 release notes, 4.9beta release notes or anywhere on the ATI website.

well, thats a relief, no dirty tricks there. Hopefully the new driver releases will sort all this out. I mean doom 3 is only an xbox port anyway. HL2 thats the fella i wanna see

True, just like the fixed 5 games they mention all the time, but dont mention the 10 they broke with that.

Actually, it's Vicarious Vision doing the port. But the meat of your post is correct and highlights the ignorance of people such as popalazarous.

I suppose the added irony is at HL2 will also make its way onto the XBox. Does that mean, in the logic of popalazarous, that HL2 is also a XBox port? ;)

well, ok its not a direct port. But to me when i first saw the game it looked like xbox grafix, say like riddick. Also the physics look like xbox style(incorrect)paper like. i was just disappointed with the overall detail of close textures too. HL2 looks completely different, more like the sort of game i would buy an x800xt for.

Uh you mean it looks better graphic wise?

well, from what we have seen in the alpha and the new videos, it does look a lot better with much better effect and more detailed backgrounds plus much better gameplay as in secondary fire options and better physics which enhance the gameplay, doom3 has none of this. Im at the big beast in hell on doom3 and i am quite enjoying the game but to me its just like quake 2 with more fancy graphics.

no........hl2 you can see is utilising the full use of modern graphics and physics, doom3 looks like an xbox style graphics game. like thief3 and halo. Its about value for money, i would rather a game that uses the pc abilities to the fullest. doom3 i think doesnt do that.

Doom 3 an X-Box port? Haha, that's hilarious & stupid at the same time :)

Oh well the monthly fanboy on crack. what was the last ones name again?

Actually he sounds very similar to him, claiming doom3 uses just a beefed up q3 engine and looks like shit etc. I wouldnt be surorised if hes the same guy.

I agree on some screenshots HL2 looks very sweet (especially main chars faces and the city, latter only from a distance) but the rest looks very unrealistic and plastic so far. and how the ***** can you tell the textures look better in hl2 than in doom3??? actually I think the textures in hl2 are pretty crap, just look at walls of the houses etc. are you running doom3 with AF -16 or an older graphic card??? sorry you simply sound extremely fanboyish and full of crack.

Dude, if you look that fanatic for bugs and errors etc you will always find them in games. Doom 3 is nowhere near perfect. But it looks awesome for todays standards, actually it set new standards. In those dark areas I never noticed an error, except maybe my jaw hurting from that much dropping. If youre so picky, why dont you start talking about polygon/texture collision? Damn, so many games that dont get it to work. Oh wait, that way you wouldnt make Doom 3 alone bad. :rolleyes I cant remember that id claimed to have a super duper shadow technique for static objects. They only talked that high about character shadows and how much they affect gameplay. Also, I have yet to see a game that doesnt show blurry textures when you kiss them with your face. But I bet you do with your newly bought ATI Z1200 Hyper Extreme w/ 2GB and AMD 128 24000+ ME (Moron Edition).

well if you look at the latest footage of the game actually running and not just screen shots, then you would see the difference. I have got to the end of the hell level on doom3 and the textures on that level are probably the best in the game, and they do look very good but its still not as good as it should have been

i agree with you there. The textures close up are always just too blocky and blurry. And i have also experienced the strange effects with the shadows. I mean the game aint 100% bad, its just not as good as it should have been.

try serious sam or even serious sam2

"its just not as good as it should have been." exactly.

Did, even more blurry there. Are you trying to look dumb at all costs?

yes i have played it, and enjoyed it, im on the hell level at the moment and i think the ideas and grafix are great. As i have put in another post here the game just isnt as good as it should have been. Im using a 9800xt card and sk8v with fx-51, i dont know how much better it looks on a 6800 ultra. But where are the alternative weapons and other new stuff that should be there. Its basically the same game as quake 2 just better looking. I was expecting a game that would blow my sox off, i mean look at when wolfenstien came out, it was groundbreaking with a load of new graphical effect. This game should have been a world away from far cry, but i think far cry looks a lot better.