A Closer Look @ Radeon 8500 2D Quality!

i bought a radeon 8500 what a rip off.....at resolutions that i normaly run it is no better then the gainward gf3 i am running now and it has rancid 3d performance for a flagship card ....ATi will never be able to compete with nvidia and they should stop talking like they can...and alll these hardware sites should stop making it seem like the 8500 is a contender of anykind for gamers..its NOT....just run AquaNox on one and then run it on any gf3

The main problem is: All the games, especially AquaNox are optimized for the Geforce3. Aquanox was the presentation game or dem for the Gf3. When the game developers develop for the ATI too, the card would better run then the gf3. Oh, and the ati is much lower in the costs and for that price, the ATI is my favourite!

its not much lower in price and when the game developers grow multiple heaads is when you'll see them right games for ATi over nvidia...especially now that x box is an using embeded gf3...i paid 200 bucks for an oem...which i was at the time unaware that not only was it cheap it was CHEAP...its not even the same card as the retail version..lower quaility ddr and lower clock and memory timings...screw ATi...crooks adn cowards

Lets face it. With all this 3D shit we are living now 2D is forgotten even though we use it everyday on any application in windows. Anyways 3D is what we want performance on and nothing beats Nvidia in performance. I have a Geforce 2 GTS. My next buy should be Nvidia's next graphics card. and my next CPU AMD's Hammer! :)

u r a total asshole, the only problem is w/ the ati's: the drivers! if u have some knowledge about technology, u have to know the ati chip far more sophisticated than any kind of current nvidia's... stop your bullshit and go back to the school, boy!

nVidia has never provided excellent image quality, 2D or 3D. Don't give into the hype. GF3 is overpriced and unnecessary. And by the time all you nVidia fan-boys get one they will be hyping their next chipset that no good games will support for another year. Ahh...nothing like 21st century penis envy. I'll stick with my Kyro2 (which runs EVERY game out right now perfectly) and get the best bang for the buck this spring. Better to buy a couple sub $200 cards every year. Remember the GF1 and all the T&L hype? How many good games today make real use of it (a couple years later)?