3DMark2001 Update Info!

"A new DirectX 8.1 feature test, utilizing Pixel Shader 1.4!" Meaning Redeon 8500 only, if I'm not mistaken...

Well, it's cool that they do have something for the Radeon cards, it can't be ALL Nvidia :)

Yeah, things are changing. Just take a look at nVidia's premature and desperate launch of the GeForce4 series. I wonder how expensive will be the Ti1000. Maybe 500 bucks? Wake up nVidia, people is not stupid...

Desperate and premature launch? You fool the GF3's have been out for almost a year now. The Gf4 is well overdue. If anything, ATi is rushing things trying to get their R250 and R300 out into the market.

well im gonna take the plunge and buy a ati8500 next i have a g3 now.....and its awesome of cours but i am on a neverending quest of upgrades......

Get an R300 instead. It will be faster then GF4! And maybe cheaper too!?

sure, you have Benchmarks / Sampleboard and tested it ? perhaps the R300 will be faster, but no one can really say it NOW for sure ...

*sigh* man i feel like im wasting my breath (or energy, rather) but *****, you guys... why are we all bickering (i know its not that bad... yet) about this thing? its like chinese rice farmers argueing whose row grows more rice... #1 who cares #2 i doubt it's a significant difference #3 no one outside of the farm knows about it #4 who CARES sorry but i just sat in traffic for an extra 45 mins on the way home (friday+holiday weekend) i let every single car into my lane that looked like they wanted to get it... i smiled when people honked... and i let a 200 yard distance in front of me when the lane i was in and the slow lane were merging.... my point is... i dont know anywho... im ... aww who cares what im gonna do now :P