3DMark03 - Ball Dropping 101

I liked how he layed out all the presents arguments by all parties, and I liked his conclusions as they fall right in line with my own. 3dm2k3 is basically a benchmark for hardware that ain't out yet...it's a DX9 benchmark. The only DX9 card available right now is from ATI, so nVidia is bichting up a storm 'til they can get their own DX9 card to market. Is it the end of February yet? ;)

exactly my point.....this bench will be more appropriate when the new doom3 game and engine(which will be licensed by the usual software companies......raven,valve, etc.) come out.All the people,or most of them who complain about the new 3dmark have "inferior hardware" for future games......future is key word.....and how many games use all the dx8 features????hardly any...it seems like were going to skip dx8 and go to dx9.....or ibs it just me?? lol