360 hard drive - a third smaller than advertised?

Were talking about 7 GB here. Even WindowsXP with all its useless crap is only like what? 1.5-3 GB? Its only a console OS with a few simple multimedia features, even if there are a few emulators in it, the biggest emulators I saw were like 5 MB in size. Come on... 7 GB?

Yup thats what it is. It is needed for xbox 1 compability.

You guys do realize that even 12gb can probably hold 10 saves for every game ever released for the Xbox360 until the day it dies. ... and you could still drop a ton of music on there as well. As for where the space went? Well... probably some of it was reseved for downloadable Live content and some for future game support, MMO-type games. That combined with the fact that you just loose space on drives could probably rack up a lot of space. Either way, this is whining about something completly pointless. The harddrive will fulfill it's purpose, 12gb or 20gb.

Cache that stays on the Xbox even when you quit the game? What if you play a few game and then never again? You can never delete all that crap? Or is it just reserved? What if people dont want to play any Xbox1 games on the 360 (because they have the old one still or dont have any Xbox at all)?

Its not. It was advertised as 20 GB. And then you only get 13 GB? I have 20+ GB alone in music. And 7 GB less would mean a lot less music on it.

If you dont like it the way it is now wait ofr modchip. You will be probably able to do anything with your console then.

It is 20 gigs. They never said it had 20 gigs of available space to you. If it is such a huge concern then buy another hard drive.

You are incorrect. The drive is 20 gigs. Period. Now, show me where anyone said you would get 20 gigs of available empty space for you to use to copy your Britney Spears songs onto...

Human_Hybrid, the reason why a 120 GB HDD will seem smaller than its advertised size is because the marketers of your HDD use a decimal system to determine what to write on the packaging and the makers of the OS think of data storage capacity in binary code. To the HDD companies, 1 GB is 1,000,000,000 bytes using the decimal system. To the OS, 1 GB is 1,073,741,824 bytes (1048576 Kilobytes or 1024 Megabytes) using the binary code. Using binary code, your 120,000,000,000 byte HDD is actually 111.758708953857421875 GB. Really, which would you buy? A HDD that says it's 120 GB or a HDD that says it's 111.76 GB? Most people will go for the 120 GB, though they are the same size. Domingo, the reason that's the case, on a lot of new PCs, is because some OEMs will have a hidden partition that is used to save an image of the HDD incase you need to restore. Often times they will include a restore disc, but the restored image is much bigger than what could be actually stored on the CD. Thus the need for a hidden partition that would include the rest of the image not on the restore CD. HP and Compaq are notorious for this. Just use Partition magic to delete the hidden partition. Just make sure you have a full retail or OEM copy of Windows before you do this, because your restore disc will be useless.

Oh so if I follow your awesome logic then I shouldnt be angry if I buy a HP, Dell or Compaq PC with a 120 GB HD but then notice it has 40 GB full of crap you dont need which wasnt mentioned anywhere and you cant deinstall it or you will loose warranty or the PC will stop working? ooooohhhhhh kaaaaaaaaaaaaay :)

Actually yeah, if a person is stupid enough to buy a pre-built PC like the ones you mentioned you certainly will find alot of crap taking up space on the drive. Open foot, insert mouth?