reports that Messenger Helper 2.00 Build 30124 has been released! Messenger Helper is designed to add functionalities to the Instant Chat program from Microsoft called MSN Messenger. This program is absolutely free to use so give it a try! MSN Messenger has no history features. That is why a logging option was added in Messenger Helper. Using this feature, every instant message conversation you can have can be saved on your hard disk automatic. You can read the log records anytime you like. The Messenger helper also included Microsoft TTS, when you receive the sentence from you friends, the Helper can also read it automatic.
Overnet v0.44
Overnet is an application that allows you to share files with millions of other people across the globe. Download Overnet v0.44 for Windows 98/NT/2000/ME/XP and Mac
Motherboard Monitor v5.228
Alex van Kaam has released a new update for Motherboard Monitor: DLL
Mikael Klasson, better known as Fluffy in the forum pointed out a memory leak in MBM, so please download the updated .dll found on the download page at the bottom, I have ran it up to 40.000 intervals and found no more issues.
Mikael Klasson, better known as Fluffy in the forum pointed out a memory leak in MBM, so please download the updated .dll found on the download page at the bottom, I have ran it up to 40.000 intervals and found no more issues.
jv16 PowerTools Beta
jv16 PowerTools Beta [Direct download link] has been released! jv16 PowerTools is the next generation of RegCleaner. A full set of tools to keep your computer and your LAN up and running. jv16 PowerTools is basicly the tool to control your computer. Until now your computer might had been the one who is in charge, but with jv16 PowerTools you can take the control. Read more for changelog.
DVD Region-Free 1.32
DVD Region-Free is an unique, effective and easy-to-use DVD tweaking tool. It allows you to watch all region DVDs on any DVD drive (especially RPC2) even if it has been locked.
Koepi's XviD Codec Build 26012003-1 reports that XviD is a video codec just like DivX. Most new movies and videos are being encoded with XviD!
ATI RenderMonkey 0.9 Beta Toolsuite
RenderMonkey is a suite of open, extensible shader development tools for both current and future hardware that allows programmers and artists to collaborate on creating realtime shader effects. ATI showed these tools publicly for the first time at Siggraph 2002 in San Antonio, on the ATI booth and in a number of partner sessions. This a beta release of a DirectX 9.0 build (build 16). You must have the latest drivers from ATI's website and the DirectX 9.0 SDK.
CPUCooL v7.1.8
CPUCooL is a program that monitors temperature, fan speed and voltages for many motherboards. It works with all chipsets from Intel, ALI, VIA, AMD and SiS 5595 motherboards.
Kazaa Lite Toolbar 1.4
Kazaa Lite Toolbar is a customizable toolbar and Web address bar integrated to Kazaa Lite interface. It's useful to open favorite web pages, Web e-mail, shared folder or external tools (like Antivirus, Windows Media Player, AVIPreview, Sig2Dat, etc.) directly from Kazaa Lite. Also works with Kazaa Media Desktop.
Koepi's XviD Codec Build 24012003-1 reports that XviD is a video codec just like DivX. Most new movies and videos are being encoded with XviD!
A-tuner is a small tool for changing the following 4 settings on your Nvidia card and should work with Nvidia Detonators 23.11 - 42.70 and Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.
Anti-Aliasing (including all unofficial modes) Anisotropic Filtering Vsync MipMap LOD (Level Of Detail) Bias
Anti-Aliasing (including all unofficial modes) Anisotropic Filtering Vsync MipMap LOD (Level Of Detail) Bias
Rage3D Tweak v3.7 Released
Rage3D Tweak is a Radeon Tweaker designed to fit right in with the other ATI option tabs in the Advanced Display Properties accessed through the Control Panel. It allows access to Registry Tweak options, Custom Display Modes, Refresh Rates, and Overclocking all through an easy to use interface. For those requiring instant access to all the tweak options, a handy icon on the task bar can be enabled for quick access to all three tweaker tabs. Comprehensive html, outline based help is available through the standard "?" icon in the display tabs and the help button.
PowerStrip 3.31 Beta Build 372
PowerStrip provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest SiS Xabre and Radeon 9700. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls.
Resource Hacker v3.4.0 (24.01.2003)
Resource Hacker is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables. It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.
AutoBench3D 2.0 Beta Updated
Here's a great tool by Alexander Kondratyuk over @ for automatic benchmark testing! The list of currently supported games and benches includes the following: Quake3 (any version) 3DMark 2K1 SE Pro UT2003 Demo Vulpine GLmark 1.1 SpecViewperf 7.0 SpecViewperf 6 All benching results program will store in 'result' subdir of AutoBench3D catalog. 'items' dir contains all important files for benching. Feel free to modify them for changing tests configurations.
NeoTweak XP 0.9 Beta
NeoTweak XP is basically a Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP customisation software. It allows you to tweak some hidden Windows settings with ease in one easy-to-use and neat interface complete with mouse-over descriptions. One of the special features that NeoTweak XP has is the ability to add your own custom tweaks.
Kazaa Spyware Removal
Thanks to Tim for this new Tool......This program will remove the spyware that comes with kazaa. When you uninstall kazaa it does not uninstall the spyware so that is where this program is useful.
WinACE 2.5 Beta 5 reports that Beta 5 of WinAce 2.5 has been released shortly after beta 4. The release notes are available, only in german :(
jv16 PowerTools Final
jv16 PowerTools is a full set of tools to keep your computer up and running. The beta testing period of jv16 PowerTools 1.2 has now begun. The new version contains a lot of new features.