RivaTuner RC 12.1 Add-on SoftR9700 For Windows 9x/ME

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word that RivaTuner RC 12.1 has now added the SoftR9700 fix for Windows 9x/ME and can be downloaded as a separate file.

Due to a lot of received emails Unwinder decided to code SoftR9700 for Windows 9x too. To excecute the script you'll need the latest RivaTuner 2.0 RC12.1. You must start it at least once, then simple extract and open attached file with Windows explorer, RivaTuner will do the rest of the job.

PowerStrip beta 3.30.368

Published by Newsfactory 0

PowerStrip provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest SiS Xabre. It's the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP.

Thanks to Edskes

Passmark BurnInTest Professional v3.1 released

Published by Newsfactory 0

BurnInTest is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability. BurnInTest tests the CPU, hard drives, CD ROMs, sound cards, 2D graphics, 3D graphics, RAM, network connections & printers. The Pro version can also test tape drives, serial and parallel ports.

Download Passmark BurnInTest Professional v3.1

RivaTuner RC 12.1 + SofR9700

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word that RivaTuner RC 12.1 + SofR9700 has been released! do I need to say any more.

n.player v1.1.0.1

Published by Newsfactory 0

Freeware n.player is a versatile media player that plays DVD, audio CDs, MP3, WMA, AVI, DiVX, or any media with the preisntalled DirectShow decoder. It also supports enhanced features for playing video and audio.

KaZaA Lite 2.0.2 Cracked K++ 2.0.2 build 2003-01-12

Published by Newsfactory 1

Betas.intercom.net reports that KaZaA Lite 2.0.2 Cracked K++ 2.0.2 build 2003-01-12 is out.

KaZaA Lite Cracked is cracked version of the popular KaZaA Lite. It's the same program, but with some new features added to it. Download from up to 40 sources at the same time per file (maximum was 8). Unlimited times "search more" is possible (used to be only once). "Find more sources" time-limit is now 4 minutes (used to be 10 minutes). Also, KaZaA Lite doesn't use port 1214 anymore, in case you've changed the port to another value.

HyperSnap-DX v5.02.01

Published by Newsfactory 0

HyperSnap-DX is a screen capture and image editing tool for MS Windows. It captures screens from standard desktop programs and even those hard-to-grab DirectX, Direct3D, 3Dfx Voodoo and Glide mode games. HyperSnap-DX 5 can capture frames from many software DVD players and other video playing software.

AutoBench3D 2.0 Beta Updated

Published by Newsfactory 0

Here's a great tool by Alexander Kondratyuk over @ Nvworld.ru for automatic benchmark testing! The list of currently supported games and benches includes the following: Quake3 (any version) 3DMark 2K1 SE Pro UT2003 Demo Vulpine GLmark 1.1 SpecViewperf 7.0 SpecViewperf 6 All benching results program will store in 'result' subdir of AutoBench3D catalog. 'items' dir contains all important files for benching. Feel free to modify them for changing tests configurations.

Motherboard Monitor DLL

Published by Newsfactory 0

Motherboard Monitor have released a new update for the Asus A7N8X nforce2 board....

Above is a link to a small zip file, it will update your mbm.dll to and it will give Asus A7N8X users a sensor with the name "Asus 5". From my 1st tests it seems this is the exact temperature shown in the bios which many of you say is the diode temp. This will mean you can set MBM up like this:

sensor 1 = Asus 1 = case sensor 2 = Asus 2 = cpu socket sensor 3 = Asus 5 = cpu diode

Any feedback is appreciated and remember needs to be installed

Messenger Plus! 2.00.16 Beta Released

Published by [NT] 0

This new public beta-version of this freeware Add-on made by Patchou for MSN's Messenger Service is packed of improved and new features to improve your instant messaging experience; such as Improved Logging, Boss Protection, Integrated Pop Mail Verification, Multi text Formatting inside IM windows, Quick emoticons, Quick Texts, Events Logging, Improved Text Recall, Instant Locking to protect your privacy, Custom Contact Login Sounds, Integrated IRC Commands, Personalised Status Messages, and other enhances such as changing the security warning, adding transparency effects to Messenger Windows, Removing MSN Banner-Ad, Truncating long contact names, boosting the max. message length, and much more. BTW: It's My 20th Birthday Today ;) Click on Read More... to see what's new and download links.

Motherboard Monitor Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

Motherboard Monitor (MBM) is a tool that will display information from the sensor chip on your motherboard in your Windows system tray. MBM supports a wide range of Chipsets & Sensor Chip combinations. MBM is compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and .NET.

Fresh Diagnose 5.4

Published by Newsfactory 0

Fresh Diagnose 5.4 your FREE System Information & PC Benchmarking software - has been upgraded to version 5.4! What's new: Motherboard module added, contains information about your motherboard and reported bugs fixed

Messenger Plus! 2.00.15 Beta Released

Published by [NT] 0

This new public beta-version of this freeware Add-on made by Patchou for MSN's Messenger Service is packed of improved and new features to improve your instant messaging experience; such as Improved Logging, Boss Protection, Integrated Pop Mail Verification, Multi text Formatting inside IM windows, Quick emoticons, Quick Texts, Events Logging, Improved Text Recall, Instant Locking to protect your privacy, Custom Contact Login Sounds, Integrated IRC Commands, Personalised Status Messages, and other enhances such as changing the security warning, adding transparency effects to Messenger Windows, Removing MSN Banner-Ad, Truncating long contact names, boosting the max. message length, and much more. Click on Read More... to see what's new and download links.

Zoom Player 3.00 Beta 5

Published by Newsfactory 0

Zoom Player 3.00 Beta 5 is a robust Media and DVD Front-End Player. It was designed to be simple at first glance while being remarkably dynamic and flexible when used to its full potential and works in two modes. A Media mode which can play any file supported by DirectShow (any file which plays in MediaPlayer) and a DVD mode which uses pre-installed DirectShow DVD filters to play DVD content.

Tweak-XP Pro 2.0.7 Out

Published by Newsfactory 0

Tweak-XP Pro 2.0.7 bundles more than 37 different utilities in one: it was developed to combine both tweaking and optimizing features to increase the speed of your Windows® XP system. All settings can be done without having any former knowledge, since Tweak-XP informs the user in detail about each option.


Published by Newsfactory 0

A-tuner is a small tool for changing the following 4 settings on your Nvidia card and should work with Nvidia Detonators 23.11 - 42.01 and Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.

Anti-Aliasing (including all unofficial modes)
Anisotropic Filtering
MipMap LOD (Level Of Detail) Bias


Published by Newsfactory 0

The tool helps with the TV ouput of Nvidia graphic cards. The main problem is the black borders around the picture on the TV screen. They are very annoying for most applications like e.G. DVD-playback. This tool helps getting rid of those bars...