A-tuner v1.1.7.2

Published by Newsfactory 0

A-tuner is a small tool for changing the following 4 settings on your Nvidia card:

Anti-Aliasing (including all unofficial modes)
Anisotropic Filtering
MipMap LOD (Level Of Detail) Bias

WinDVD Tweaker 3.6

Published by Newsfactory 0

WinDVD Tweaker is designed to allow users of the WinDVD playback software to enable some hidden settings and allow for maximum playback pleasure. Now the tweaker supports WinDVD 4

System Mechanic v3.7g

Published by Newsfactory 0

System Mechanic is an easy and comprehensive way to keep your PC running smooth and error free. Works with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 and XP.

15 Powerful utilities for your PC: Clear junk files from your PC, clean your Registry, speed up your Internet connection, ensure your privacy, fix broken shortcuts, find and remove duplicate files, and lots more.

V.Control v1.80 Beta

Published by Newsfactory 0

V.Control is a free software which gives direct hardware control to your video graphics adapter; enabling custom refresh rates in increments of 1 Hz, over clocking without rebooting windows, and modifying PCI/AGP hardware configurations. Also provided are various registry tweaks. Currently supported are: 3dfx Voodoo Banshee, 3dfx Velocity, 3dfx Voodoo3, 3dfx Voodoo4, and 3dfx Voodoo5 (Voodoo5 6000 is untested). V.Control will also save and restore positions of desktop icons for any video graphics adapter. Compatible with Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP. Please note that this software is beta-ware.

Nero InfoTool v1.0.1-2

Published by Newsfactory 0

Nero InfoTool is a utility which analyses and displays the most important information about a drive, disc, configuration and software. The information can also be printed or saved to a text file.

Hot CPU Tester v3.4 Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

Hot CPU Tester Pro is a system health and stability tester. It tests CPU, and virtually all parts of motherboard for errors/bugs and defective parts. It is a burn-in test with uniquely designed state of the art DefectTech engine. DefectTech is a technology developed by OpusWare Enterprise to diagnostic systems regarding its stability and in general computer's health. Hot CPU Tester is currently being used in many labs and governmental organizations around the world, as a reliable stability testing utility.

PowerStrip v3.21 Beta Build 311

Published by Newsfactory 0

PowerStrip 3.21 provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest Radeon 8500DV and GeForce4 Ti4600. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls. No word on what's new.

Rage3D Tweak v3.5 Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

Rage3D have updated their tweak tool again. Here's what they're saying:

It's finally out, and has a host of updates. New hotkeys for app/game priority setting, new display tweaks for window management, additional tweaks useful to multi-monitor configurations and more. The translations are starting to come in, with Italian being the first I've gotten back. I'll be compiling the multi-language install over the next week as they I receive them.

SpamNet Beta 6 Is Now Available

Published by Newsfactory 1

Cloudmark SpamNet saves you time and frustration by automatically stopping spam. The service is free and easy to use. Spend time reading your email not deleting unwanted spam messages.

Not only do you protect your own Inbox, but you also shield the entire community from spam each time you block a message. Help others and join SpamNet now.

DVD Region-Free 1.0 RC3

Published by Newsfactory 0

DVD Region-Free is an unique, effective and easy-to-use DVD tweaking tool. It allows you to watch all region DVDs on any DVD drive( especially RPC2 ) even if it has been locked.

You don't need to flash any firmware which is dangerous or unavailable. DVD Region-Free also disables region check for popular software-based DVD players such as PowerDVD, WinDVD and CinePlayer.

Other features include Region-Free for RCE DVDs, Macrovision-Free, Operation-Free and run self at DVD players startup automatically.

NTFS Reader For DOS 1.0

Published by Newsfactory 0

NTFS Reader for DOS is a freeware tool that provides read access to NTFS partitions within the MS-DOS environment. You can preview files on NTFS and copy files from NTFS to FAT volumes or network drives.

RefreshForce 1.10 Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

There's a new version of RefreshForce out v1.10!

RefreshForce universally and permanently fixes the Windows 2000/XP refresh rate problem on ANY variation of graphics cards, monitors or drivers! No messing around, no hassle, it WORKS and it's SIMPLE. Go grab it from link below.

A-tuner v1.1.7.0

Published by Newsfactory 0

A-tuner is a small tool for changing the following 4 settings on your Nvidia card:

Anti-Aliasing (including all unofficial modes)
Anisotropic Filtering
MipMap LOD (Level Of Detail) Bias


Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word from Tim @ MajorGeeks.com that he's just uploaded BigFix v1.7.6.0 to his servers. Description sounds good but I doubt it really can do whar it promises. The Freeware BigFix system drastically improves your computer's performance and reduces the number of bugs and conflicts that affect your computer. As an application running on your computer, BigFix can automatically download and read technical support information provided by computer and software manufacturers and other technical support experts (published in the form of Fixlet® Messages) and can automatically check your computer for bugs, configuration conflicts, and security holes. When it finds a problem, it can even offer you to fix it with a simple mouse-click. Most of the time, BigFix can even alert you to a problem before any damage is done.

TVTool v6.5

Published by Newsfactory 0

I was just over @ NTCompatible.com and I saw that they have TVTool v6.5 for download... So I am assuming that TVTool has been updated but there seems to be no mention of an update @ the official page TVTool.de. So if you want to try it out hit Read More for your download.

On one last point NTCompatible have now opened up a dedicated site for Linux.

Fresh UI 3.80 - Free Tweaking Tool

Published by Newsfactory 0

Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/ NT/98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know. Unlike any other similar utilities, this software is 100% free.


Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word from Tim @Majorgeeks that he just upload CPUBENCH to his servers ready for download. This Freeware program will measure the MFLOPS and MIPS of your CPU which 1is useful for making a comparison between different kinds of CPU`s.

nVHardPage v0.97.7b!

Published by Newsfactory 0

Guru3d have released a new version of thier tweak tool called nVHardPage. Quotes from Guru:

Do you seek an easy way to en/disable overclocking options or vsync option in your detonator drivers without the burden of importing registry entries or the need to go in that registry yourself ? Basically CoolBits and more within your fingertips.

This program serves on enabling/disabling hidden features in nVidia control panel and tweaking nVidia Direct3D & OpenGL settings.

Supported OS: WinXP, Win2k, Win9x/Me - only CoolBits & Display orientation at the moment.

Supported Drivers: Detonators 21.81 and higher.

ZoneAlarm Free 3.1.291!

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word from Tim@MajorGeeks.com that there's a new Free version of ZoneAlarm out and it's v 3.1.291!