Freeware Easydivx is a all in one rippack or graphical user interface program for vStrip, MPEG2AVI, AC3DEC Normalize, VirtualDub and MicroDVD menu. It includes all required programs and works with:
Windows 98 / 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP 32 bit (normal) FAT32/NTFS Windows XP 64bit
PowerStrip 3.20 provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest Radeon 8500DV and GeForce4 Ti4600. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls.
Powerstrip 3.20 Build 304 apparently is out. I don't know more about about it. Nothing on the Entech site, but if you use the programs live update function you get 3.20 Build 304.
Tweak-XP bundles more than 22 different utilities in one: it was developed to combine both tweaking and optimizing features to increase the speed of your Windows® XP system. All settings can be done without having any former knowledge, since Tweak-XP informs the user in detail about each option.
Zoom Player is a robust media and DVD front-end player. Zoom Player works in two modes. A media mode which can play any file supported by DirectShow (any file which plays in MediaPlayer) and a DVD mode which uses pre-installed DirectShow DVD filters to play DVD content.
Diet Kaza (formerly KaZaA Tap) v1.02 has been released. Diet Kazaa is a utility that removes all advertising, speeds up searches, gives more results and takes out useless icons (i.e. Shopping). There is a TON of new stuff, but most importantly:
Built in Advanced Download Accelerator (better than "Speed Up") Fixed many bugs (nothing major, just lots of little things) Added new protection scheme (now uses 4 methods to block ads, simultaneously) Added beta support for blocking ads on Morpheus 1.90+ and Grokster! Renamed the program to Diet Kaza and includes all new graphics Translated into 8 different languages
FreeRAM XP Pro is a freeware application designed to defragment and free up your system's RAM (Random Access Memory). As a result, system performance, response time, and stability increase. FreeRAM XP Pro uses a minimal amount of memory, system resources, and CPU time, thus making it fast and efficient.
Greg has been hard at work perfecting a refresh rate utility that will eliminate the annoying 60Hz signal in Win XP/2K.
I just finished writing my latest tool, RefreshForce, which is the sucessor (although it does not completely replace) RefreshLock. It is a COMPLETE generic fix to the Windows 2000/XP refresh problem and doesn't need to run in the background. It does NOT depend on specific graphics card and drivers, and it does not require usage of the Plug & Play monitor drivers to get over 85Hz.
Speed up your connection easily! BeFaster is a multi-featured connection optimization tool which supports all 32bit Windows. It supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, IE, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. Read More...
FlashFXP is a powerful and popular FTP & FXP Client loaded with features for the power user. It has an intuitive user interface that takes only minutes to master. Using the FTP protocol, you can transfer files from remote servers to your computer, or even to another remote server. It makes it easy to update your Web site, download files from the company server, or even download files from the internet that always seem to fail using your Web browser.
PowerStrip 3.19 provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest Radeon 8500DV and GeForce4 Ti4600. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls.
Axialis IconWorkshop (formerly AX-Icons) is a powerful tool designed to Create, Extract, Convert, Manage and Redistribute Windows® XP Icons. It has a fully integrated workspace that permits you to work efficiently and create professional icons in minutes. freware AutoDivX5 is a tool that automatically generates script file for VirtualDub encoding using DivX Pro5.xx VBR 2-pass mode. It sets script file for seperate encoding of "Credits" portion at lower bitrate and allow automatic adjustment of bitrate of "Main" part.
From Blight (the author): "And here we go again, Zoom Player v2.70 release candidate 1 is ready for deployment. Lots of new features, mostly requested by you (the user) and quite a few small fixes. So ... check it out!"
DAEMON Tools is an application for multiprotection emulation. It is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and incorporates all its features. This program allows running backup copies of SafeDisc, Securom or Laserlock protected games. Also included is a Virtual DVDROM drive enabling you to use your CD images as if they were already burned to CD. DAEMON Tools works with all types of CD/DVDROM drives and supports nearly any CD protection.
ZoneAlarm Plus is focused exclusively on the strongest Internet security. It was designed from the ground up to offer something for everyone: from "set and forget" users seeking easy, instant security, to tech-savvy users seeking powerful control and customization. ZoneAlarm Plus offers powerful security features, intuitive support for wireless networks, and a robust user feedback and analysis engine.
PowerStrip 3.19 provides advanced, multi-monitor, programmable hardware support to a wide range of graphics cards - from the venerable Matrox Millennium I to the latest Radeon 8500DV and GeForce4 Ti4600. It is in fact the only program of its type to support multiple graphics cards from multiple chipset vendors, simultaneously, under every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to XP. A simple menu that pops up from the system tray provides access to some 500 controls over your display hardware, including sophisticated color correction tools, period level adjustments over screen geometry, and driver independent clock controls.
Big Thanks to Freeware WinDriver Expert provides you the easy and fast detection and backup of the entire hardware device drivers currently on your system. Just one or two mouse button clicks, you will have all your hardware devices extracted and backuped to any folder you want. Also a INF device script installer is included. When you reinstall or upgrade your Windows system, you will find the backuped drivers very useful.