Active@ KillDisk

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Active@ KillDisk is a powerful and compact software that allows you to destroy all data on hard disks, SSD & USB disks.

Paint.NET 5.1.3 Beta 5 / 5.1.2

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Paint.NET is a free image and photo editing software that features an intuitive and innovative user interface.

Brother Uninstall Tool

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Brother Uninstall Tool is a useful utility designed to effectively remove Brother software and drivers, particularly when other uninstall methods fail.

MSI Afterburner Beta 5

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

MSI Afterburner Beta is a powerful overclocking utility designed specifically to optimize the performance of graphics cards. A stable version is also available.

SQLite 3.49.0

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

SQLite enables a simplified command-line option for working with SQLite databases. GUI version is also available.

CalcPad 7.1.8

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Calcpad is a free and flexible programmable mathematical and engineering calculator that includes an HTML report generator.

DriverStore Explorer 0.12.4 Pre-Release / 0.11.114

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

DriverStore Explorer is a free and Open Source utility that makes it easier to deal with the Windows driver store. Supported operations include enumeration, adding a driver package, adding & installing, deleting, and forcing deletion.

Ghidra 11.3

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Ghidra is an Open Source multi-platform software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency Research Directorate.

ueli 9.16.0

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

ueli is an Open Source systray app that permits you to launch programs and Windows tools via a simple search interface.

Jailer 16.5.7

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Jailer is an Open Source app for database subsetting, schema, and data browsing.

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors 8.3.0

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is an all-in-one app that offers offline and online document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing from a single window, making it an excellent Office suite for home users and small to mid-sized companies.

Drupal 11.1.2

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Drupal is an Open-Source content management framework written in PHP. It provides a back-end framework for at least 2.3% of all websites worldwide, from blogs to commercial sites.

Monkey's Audio 10.93

Published by Jon Ben-Mayor 0

Monkey's Audio is a free and convenient way to compress digital music enabling you to obtain bit-for-bit copies of your favorite music.

MiTeC InfoBar 4.6.1

Published by admin 0

MiTeC InfoBar is a versatile monitoring tool that displays essential information about your computer and more.