Avast! Free Edition BETA 8.0.1477

Published by Tim Tibbetts 0

avast! Free Antivirus is perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites. avast! is a package of applications that aim to protect your computer from a possible virus infection or other malware threat. This is a beta to preview the next version.

RogueKiller 8.5.0

Published by jon 0

RogueKiller is a tool written in C, which scans the processes running, and kill those who are malicious. Author developed this tool after seeing that some rogues blocked the execution of disinfection programs.

KeyScrambler 3.0.0

Published by jon 0

KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes deep in the kernel, foiling keylogging attacks with scrambled, undecipherable data.

Backdoor.Barkiofork Targets Aerospace and Defense Industry | Symantec Connect Community

Published by Jim 0

Symantec helps consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. The Symantec Connect community allows customers and users of Symantec to network and learn more about creative and innovative ways to use Symantec products and technologies.

RogueKiller 8.4.4

Published by jon 0

RogueKiller is a tool written in C, which scans the processes running, and kill those who are malicious. Author developed this tool after seeing that some rogues blocked the execution of disinfection programs.

Tweaking.com - Remove Policies Set By Infections 1.9.7

Published by jon 0

This will remove the policies that most infections set. Such as disabling the task manager, hiding the desktop, hijacking any exe that is run and many more. This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One).

Tweaking.com - Repair Proxy Settings 1.9.7

Published by jon 0

Many infections will set your proxy settings to keep you from getting to websites. This repair will turn the proxy off in the system. This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One).

Tweaking.com - Unhide Non System Files 1.9.7

Published by jon 0

Some new viruses hide every single file on the system. This repair will unhide every file on the system that is not a system file. This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One).

250,000 Twitter Accounts Compromised

Published by Alien 0

Twitter is reporting that attackers may have had access to limited user information – usernames, email addresses, session tokens and encrypted/salted versions of passwords – for approximately 250,000 users

Emsisoft Emergency Kit

Published by jon 0

The Emsisoft Emergency Kit contains a collection of programs that can be used without a software installation to scan and clean infected computers for malware.