How mobile apps can take whatever data they want from a smartphone

Published by Jim 0

You should know by now, but it is more important everyday to be vigilant with your mobile security.

Network World interviews Domingo Guerra, co-founder of Appthority, a company looks at mobile apps to discover exactly what the app is doing on the device, to discuss just that.

VirusTotal Scanner 3.0

Published by jon 0 is a free online scan service that analyzes suspicious files using 40+ Anti-virus applications. 'VirusTotal Scanner' is the desktop tool which helps you to quickly scan your file using VirusTotal without actually uploading the file.

MDK: The Largest Mobile Botnet in China | Symantec Connect Community

Published by Jim 0

Symantec’s analysis suggests the MDK Trojan is a new variant of Android.Backscript. The code of MDK is very similar to Android.Backscript and they use the same certificate to sign APKs. However, unlike the previous versions, this new variant uses an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to encrypt data, like servers and commands, in a file.

UVK Ultra Virus Killer

Published by jon 0

UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes tools to repair windows after the disinfection.

UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable

Published by jon 0

This is the portable version of UVK Ultra Virus Killer. UVK is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware.

BitDefender Free Edition

Published by Tim Tibbetts 0

BitDefender Free Edition uses the same ICSA Labs certified scanning engines found in other BitDefender products, allowing you to enjoy basic virus protection for no cost at all.

Wise Folder Hider 1.32

Published by jon 0

Wise Folder Hider is a free file/folder hiding tool. User can use it to hide files and folders on local partitions or removable devices.

BlackBeltPrivacy Tor+WASTE 2.1.2013.01 Final

Published by Tim Tibbetts 0

Tor helps keep you safe online. WASTE enables secure content exchange. A usability enhanced Tor+WASTE+darkRendezvous() Privacy Pack. An installer, for Windows XP 32/64, Vista 32/64, Win7 32/64, Linux (WINE).