8-Core Intel Xeon V8 Sneak Peek

Published by Regeneration 0

Back in January at this year's CES show, Intel was giving the press glimpses of a rig in their booth dubbed the V8. It is essentially a dual-socket workstation platform outfitted with a pair of quad-core Xeon processors for a total of eight cores - hence the "V8". The enterprise platform that this box was built around is based on Intel's 5000X chipset, aka Blackford, and it supports up to 32GB of FBDIMM serial memory. HotHardware has a component build-up of a more current Intel V8 machine here, with preliminary benchmarks, pictures and more details on this 8-core dual Xeon powerhouse.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Multiplayer Preview

Published by [NT] 0

It's been a long five-plus years, but GSC Game World's much-delayed first person shooter S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has finally gone gold. The post-meltdown Chernobyl atmosphere is combined with a little bit of sci-fi to create a slightly odd, yet realistic atmosphere of an urban wasteland where fighting for survival is tantamount. The game will be in stores soon, and I've gotten a chance to try out the game's online versus modes.

ULi M1697 for Athlon 64/x2

Published by Newsfactory 0

ULi has just released a low-cost single-chip solution for AMD Athlon 64. With HD Audio, SATA2 RAID, and Dual x8 PCIe.

FutureMark's SPMarkJava06

Published by Newsfactory 0

Today sees the launch of a new mobile phone benchmark from FutureMark, following up on the success of SPMark04. We've taken a look at this new suite of tests, SPMarkJava06, to see what it has to offer.


Windows Vista PDC Videos

Published by [NT] 3

After installing Beta 2 of Microsoft's upcoming operating system, I decided to grab a few videos of the GUI in action. As can be seen by the following videos, Microsoft shows off Windows Vista's graphics engine. Notice how hovering over the minimized windows in the taskbar will bring up a thumbnail view of the window.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Published by Newsfactory 0

The creators of the original Enemy Territory are at it again. With the support of id, the guys at Splash Damage are working on an online shooter entitled Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, which will attempt to engage players in challenging multiplayer combat scenarios.


The Enemies of Serious Sam II

Published by Newsfactory 0

Serious Sam II, like the last installment, will throw everything and the kitchen sink at you. Sometimes it will be waves of explosive kamikazes. Other times it will be a handful of towering cyberfleshy dudes. Sometimes they'll run on the ground, while other times they'll be death from above. Or below. Who knows? It's this kind of joyful, almost manic unpredictability that charmed us the first time around.