Windows Media Encoder Studio Edition Beta

Published by Newsfactory 0

Coming Soon: Windows Media Encoder Studio Edition Beta is an exciting new addition to the Windows Media tools family. It is a powerful tool for video professionals, optimized for the creation of high-quality offline encoding using Microsoft?s implementation of the VC-1 video standard (WMV9).

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 build 7.0.5450.4

Published by Newsfactory 0

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) Beta 3 has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more.

Microsoft Relents and Releases Uninstall Info for WGA Notification

Published by Newsfactory 0 brings you... How to disable or uninstall the pilot version of Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Article ID 921914 Last Review June 27, 2006 Revision 1.2 Important This article contains information about how to modify the registry. Make sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.

Network Diagnostic Tool (KB914440)

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Network Diagnostics for Windows XP tool analyzes information about your network connectivity to help you troubleshoot network-related problems with your computer. Typically you will do this along with a support professional, either on the phone or over the internet. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

The People Behind DirectX 10?Part 1: Microsoft

Published by Newsfactory 0

DirectX 10 could well usher in a new era of PC graphics. This three-part series includes interviews with graphics card makers and game developers working on DX10 products, and here in the first part, we talk with Microsoft's Chris Donahue and David Blythe.

My Windows Vista Beta 2 Reliability Experience

Published by Newsfactory 1

My reliability experience with Windows Vista Beta 2 hasn't been all that positive: Find out what went wrong with my main desktop PC over the past month as I tried to make Windows Vista my sole OS.

Windows Vista Beta 5456

Published by Newsfactory 0

The version of Windows Vista that many people are now experiencing for the first time has been in the hands of testers for just over a month now, we need something new to play with and was actually asking Microsoft the other day what the status of the CTP program was, it seems we have our answer.

Windows Vista: Beta 2 Preview

Published by Newsfactory 0

Microsoft has made Windows Vista Beta 2 available to the public, and with the OS being feature complete we can now provide a preview of Microsoft's bold new operating system.

Windows Vista Beta 2 Performance Reports

Published by Newsfactory 2

Windows Vista is system intensive, as we knew it would be. We set out to find out just -how- system intensive it is. We run a slew of benchmarks and gaming runs on both the 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions to see how they compare to XP.

Windows XP SP4 Info is Out

Published by Newsfactory 1

Even before Windows XP SP3 is released (planned for mid-2007), SP4 is already in the works. PC Magazine in Asia mentioned the new service pack in a Microsoft release timeline.

Media Center SDK

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Windows Media Center SDK is designed to help developers create applications and software components that take advantage of features provided by Windows Media Center in Windows Vista.

DirectX End-User Runtimes June 2006

Published by Newsfactory 0

This download provides the DirectX end-user multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the Redistributable.

Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 Public Preview

Published by Newsfactory 1

We invite you to be among the first to experience the clarity that Windows Vista can bring to your world. The Windows Vista Customer Preview Program makes a pre-release edition of Windows Vista Ultimate broadly available to the public for the first time. This Beta 2 release is now available in three languages (English, German, and Japanese) and in 32-bit and 64-bit editions.