Engadget reports that Windows Phone 7.1 is the likely name for Mango OS update
7 ways to work faster in Windows 7
Computerworld posted 7 ways to work faster in Windows 7
'Mango' devices to launch with Front-facing cameras, 3 new hardware partners to be announced (rumor)
WPCentral posted the latest rumors on Windows Phone 7.5 Mango
Will Skype Be Another Microsoft License Gotcha?
Skype may be a beloved consumer product, but enterprises should beware of sneaky Skype charges, and will need to keep a close eye on Microsoft enterprise agreements to ensure they're not suddenly paying for a service they're not using.
Microsofts Steven Sinofsky to demo Windows 8 at D9 conference
Microsofts Windows chief, Steven Sinofsky, is due to appear at the upcoming D9 conference. The software giant confirmed Sinofskys appearance on Monday.
Microsoft's Ballmer says next-gen Windows systems due in 2012
During remarks at a developers conference in Japan on May 23, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer referred to the next version of Windows as Windows 8.
In Depth: Code complete: IE9 on Windows Phone 7
Techradar reports that IE9 on Windows Phone 7 is already code complete
Steve Ballmer promises 'over 500' new features in Mango, teases new WP handsets for tomorrow
Just how big of an upgrade will the Mango release of Windows Phone be? Try "500 new features" big.
Windows 8 latest build, build 8011
The Windows 8 Beta blog reports that the latest Windows 8 build is 8011
Office 15 "Moorea" application demoed on video
Neowin posted a video demonstration of the new "Moorea" application in Office 15
Microsoft kills off consumer-focused Pioneer Studios
Pioneer Studios, an experimental group within Microsoft tasked with designing and incubating novel "consumer experiences," has been closed down, with the team disbanded and redistributed, and its offices vacated.
Beginner Geek: Simple Tips to Reduce Disk Usage in Windows 7
Howtogeek posted simple tips to reduce disk usage in Windows 7
Leaked NoDo update available for Omnia 7
The user Jesher2000 on samfirmware.com has posted a "leaked" firmware update for the Omnia 7 which supposedly contains the NoDo update.
Tutorial: How to spot suspicious processes in Windows 7
Techradar shows you how to spot suspicious processes in Windows 7
Windows Mobile 6 to expire on 15 July
Windows Mobile 6.x's days are numbered as Microsoft will no longer support the OS after 15 July.
Sophos: 'Microsoft is comparing apples to nothing'
According to Chester Wisniewski, Senior Security Advisor at Sophos, Microsofts statistics relating to the SmartScreen technology built into Internet Explorer (IE) 7, 8 and 9 just dont really add up.
US students get free Xbox 360 with new Windows PCs
Microsoft has announced a massive incentive for US-based college students to pick up a new Windows 7 PC by serving-up a free Xbox 360 console.
Nokia To Use ST-Ericsson Chips For Windows Phone 8 devices
We haven't even reached the launch of Windows Phone 7.5, but information is already coming out about Windows Phone 8.
Microsoft Next to Face Instant Search Suit
MasterObjects, a software development company, added Microsoft to the list of companies it is suing for infringing on a patent for technology that displays potential completed search terms as users type into a search bar.
Transform Windows 7 Into Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal With Ubuntu Skin Pack
Makeuseof shows you how to turn Windows 7 into Ubuntu using the Ubuntu skin pack