Will Skype Be Another Microsoft License Gotcha?

Published by Alien 0

Skype may be a beloved consumer product, but enterprises should beware of sneaky Skype charges, and will need to keep a close eye on Microsoft enterprise agreements to ensure they're not suddenly paying for a service they're not using.

Microsoft kills off consumer-focused Pioneer Studios

Published by Alien 0

Pioneer Studios, an experimental group within Microsoft tasked with designing and incubating novel "consumer experiences," has been closed down, with the team disbanded and redistributed, and its offices vacated.

Sophos: 'Microsoft is comparing apples to nothing'

Published by Alien 0

According to Chester Wisniewski, Senior Security Advisor at Sophos, Microsofts statistics relating to the SmartScreen technology built into Internet Explorer (IE) 7, 8 and 9 just dont really add up.

Microsoft Next to Face Instant Search Suit

Published by Alien 0

MasterObjects, a software development company, added Microsoft to the list of companies it is suing for infringing on a patent for technology that displays potential completed search terms as users type into a search bar.