RSS Plugin For Trillian

Published by [NT] 0

I was asked by a lot of people if we support the RSS plugin in Trillian. Please enter the following url for the RSS fíle in your Trillian tool: This file generates a RSS feed and maybe it works with Trillian. Please let me know if it works, I can not test it beacause I do not use Trillian Pro. For the other guys who want to have the latest Warp2Search news on their desktop, please try out KlipFolio!

Warp2Search Buyers Club Plasma Offer

Published by Newsfactory 0

Big thanks to Alan Seal from Thomson Multimedia ! He's the UK sales manager for the plasma dDisplay and LCD divisions and he's the one that put the deal together for the Warp2Search Buyers Club! One of his clients has access stock of the Thomson 42WP94E plasma display about 60 screens to be precise. Well we only need 5 buyers for this product...

Radeon 9700 Price ! Warp2search Buyers Club

Published by Newsfactory 0

Ok Peeps if you check out this Thread Hercules Radeon 9700 Price ! Warp2search Buyers Club! Degger and by request feels this is not a Genuine Deal and not good enough of a deal for the Warp2search Buyers Club as we had 120 plus buyers for this card! So the offer has been cancelled.

As this is a learning experience for all of us there's one thing about it: If it's not a genuine deal it won't make to the Warp2search Buyers Club! So stayed tuned for more offers.

So if there's any manufactures out there that would like to do a deal on 120+ ATI Radeon 9700 Pro Cards! Please contact

Hello Everybody

Published by [NT] 0

Hi Everybody,
I am very excited to join as newsposter and moderator on Warp2Search. See ya all in forums.

I Am Not Dead...

Published by [PM] 1

Hi Folks, just a quick note to all of your that I am still around and will resume normal posting within two weeks from now. I'm currently busy with my nursing exams so there is little time to be around and gather the hottest news for you. Also there are some reviews in the making with hot products from Lian Li, Compex, Icemat, Lexmark and others. Stay clean and take care for the time being. Rancho*

Warp2Search Buyers Club

Published by Newsfactory 0

OK Peeps just had a email from a US distributor that says if I can find 1000 of our USA bro's to sign up to buying a new Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz they will supply you it at cost plus 4 dollars adim charge plus shipping and Tax. More details to follow as it's a Bank Holiday here in the UK, and am off to the Nottinghill carnival! Hehe

Warp2search Buyers Club

Published by Newsfactory 0

If like me your always looking for Great Deals on PC Parts! like this deal on AMD's Athlon XP XP1800+ 1.53 GHz 266 MHz bus Socket A (Palomino) processor (OEM) it's going for £49 inc Vat or this deal on Inno3D's GeForce4 Ti4200 64Mb DDR DVI TV-Out AGP for £98 inc Vat but the only problem I got , is that I need to buy 50 AMD's CPU and 15 Inno3D GeForce4 Ti4200 to get the deals! LOL so that where the Warp2search Buyers Club comes in, all products shipped individually.

So the idea is setting up a buyers club for the latest hardware or that just been discontinued hardware where I will post the latest deal on hardware from Manufactures distributors Resellers or if we get enough Peeps saying I want a ATI Radeon 9700 Pro and we will go hunting , to track down a deal. but to start with! these deals are for EU residents only but we will be working on adding more Regions! Post your comment here and before I forget Manufactures distributors Resellers that are Interested in supplying Products to the Warp2search Buyers Club! send emails to Rancho*

Warp2Search Is Back

Published by [NT] 2

After some heavy and busy days we are now back!
We would like to thank Mike for his great support to bring Warp2Search back. It will take some time to restore all files and settings after this brutal attack so if you find some errors please stay tuned we working on it. Also today we started legal steps against the attackers, we keep you informed what will happen. Have fun on W2S.

Problems with Advertisement Solved

Published by [NT] 0

Yesterday I asked you if you have any problems with the banners we show on this site and I received lot´s of replies that the upper right banner is following you when you are scrolling down the site and when you are using the opera browser. I have tested it and i could solve the problem, it was really a problem with the bannercode some people mentioned. Thank you for you help! If you find any problems or bugs on the site, please let us know.

Problem With Advertisment Banners !

Published by [NT] 1

Dear Visitors,
I received some emails from some visitors, telling me that they have problems with displaying our banners on the top right.
On my place it works fine, maybe you have the same problem and you can t see the advertiment our you get an error message. Please let me know. Leave a comment. Update: Thank you for all the comments. Looks like the netshelter code has the biggest problem, i though it were the other ones. Thanks a lot for your help!!

Files Down

Published by [NT] 0

Due to heavy bandwith peaks we had to take the files down for the moment. Stay tuned. Please read or statement and thoughts over here

Renting A Car...

Published by Newsfactory 0

Ok Peeps here's a little story I got renting a car.

One of my best and oldest mate's is getting married this Sunday the 21st of July. So I decided to hire a car and I did a quick search of the Internet and found a company called UK-Car Rental, here's their website address

I went on their website trying to find their terms and conditions but no luck, so I rang them up and got the info I was looking for which was how much access was to be paid on the rental car: £500 and then I book the car. At this point I was told that I could pay £10 per day extra that would reduce the access on the rental car to £75 if I had an accident but this could only be done after I had booked the car which I did but when I got the call to say the car had been reversed. Low and behold the price for the rental car had gone up from £98 to £145! WTF I thought after a little haggling I got a Golf manual instead for £90 pound with the their supercover. All I had to do was pay £75 access and pick up the car today. By the way UK-Car Rental is a booking agent for Alamo / National Car rental but when I got to Alamo / National Car rental my wife went to pay the £75 on her Visa switch card and was told because she was paying the £75 access on this card they have to do a credit check but if she had not forgotten her Barclaycard they wouldn't need to do a credit check but as luck would have it she failed the credit check and now she's banned from Alamo / National Car rental for six months cause she failed the credit check. LOL and to add insult to injury they want to charge us £20 pounds as a cancelation charge, so now I am told no rental car. It's 12.30 in the afternoon and all the major rental car companies close @ 1pm on a Saturday, but after some ringing around got a great deal from a company called AutoLinx. Big Thanks to Ian, they did me a BMW 328I for the same period as Alamo / National Car Rental and same £90. I can't say thanks enough to AutoLinx!

The point I am making is UK-Car Rental is a booking agent for Alamo / National Car rental, which is a Major car rental company in the UK / Europe and USA. They can't even be bothered to post the terms and conditions on their sites, and mislead their customers! They come out with crap they think you want to hear, so they can make a sale and treat you like morons. Yes sir the terms and conditions are on the website, where? I must be going blind cause I can't find them and yes I will be speaking to trading standards on Monday. So the next time you need to rent a car from these companies ask them if you pay by cash or Visa switch and if they credit check you. If the answer is yes - can you do that before you take my booking or better still HOW about sticking your terms and conditions on your websites? And I will send a brand new cooler of your choice to the fist person that can find the terms and conditions for the UK on any of these sites! Here's UK-Car Rental's crappy attempt @ saying they do have terms and conditions which you get after they are done with you!

New Official Creative Sb Live!/Audigy Drivers Pack (17-07-2002) Update!

Published by Newsfactory 2

Just to let you know that this update is for the SBLive! only and not the Audigy cards!

According to Creative, the new drivers resolve compatibility issues with Sound Blaster Live! products on Windows 2000 and Windows XP! that's about time.Those new drivers don't support Windows 9x. Creative should also release the same updates for the Audigy cards very soon. Note that if you choose the drivers only download it's possible to download individually Creative applications later:

25MB Download is for the Drivers Only (including AudioHQ & SurroundMixer)
50MB Download is for the Complete Drivers Package including applications.

Virus Spamming

Published by [NT] 0

60 Viruses Received in 1 hour Well I didn't wish to do this news post and I defiantly don't wish to point the finger, but after getting a similar email 50 times from one person (who will remain nameless for the moment) in 1 hour with an attached virus, I think it is now time to mention this. The virus is the klez virus, and I have been getting it from this one sender, once every minute. If this was not to mention, then the next time I login to collect emails (10 hours), I would have over 600 viruses sent to me. As many of our readers know, this can get very annoying and being sent so many viruses to a well know virus, I recommend it is time to do update our scanners.

Posting Homepage Tools?

Published by [NT] 0

In the past we have posted some homepage tools like java menue builder, html help tools, new php versions and something like this. We had quite a lot of reads on these topics and so we are thinking about to open up a special section only for homepage related topics. And we would like to ask you if you are interested in this.
I attached a poll to this post, when you click Read More you will find it on the right hand side.
Leave your vote!

Sniper Tech Needs Your HELP!

Published by [NT] 4

For a while I have been working on an update to Sniper Tech, to introduce theme support and have created a beta version showing some of what can be expected in the next version. In this beta version I have created 4 themes which shows some of the capabilities the should be ready in the final version and I was wondering if the viewers of Warp2Search could give me some feed back of what your think. Here are the Links to the themes: Binary Theme Classic Theme Current Theme Win OS Theme Also most you are wonder why there hasn?t been much contents added. Soon I am planning on adding a Glossary of Computers Terms, which I hope you find useful, and currently contains over 200+ definitions. On a final note, I was also wondering if anyone out there would like to work with me to help develop Sniper Tech and the Glossary. If you interested and have any abilities in programming/ writing and would like to write any Tutorials, Guides, Tips, Tweaks or would like to help with the programming side of Sniper Tech, I would be very happy to hear from you @

!! Attention News Submitters !!

Published by [NT] 2

At first, we would like to thank all of you for the great news you guys submit to us, but there's one little problem. A lot of you guys don't log in before submitting, which causes the name to be "Anonymous". So please, next time you submit news, remember to login first, or else just put your name at the bottom of the story, we'll make sure you get the credit, instead of that "Anonymous"-guy ;-)

Keep up the good work!

Ad Aware v.5.83 Update!

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word that the leaked Ad Aware v.5.83 will be out official this Tuesday and the detection system may change so download @ your own risk! but in the mean time Ad-aware referencefile 029-15-06-2002 has been updated! so if you downloaded Adware last night then please update to Ad-aware referencefile (Update 2) 029-15-06-2002