Owners Of Warp2Search Open Up Own Online Store!

Published by [NT] 2

Yes, it's true, we will open up an own online store.
2 months ago, Gerhard Sigwarth from GSM-International asked us, if we were interested in selling his and other products in Europe and Germany and we decided: Yes, we will.
It is a great chance for us because I lost my job 3 months ago and Peter (Rancho*) will start his studies in August.
And with the shop, we can pay our living costs and of course, this website.
We will sell GSM-International products mainly. That means high quality aluminium cases, modding equipment like glow wires, cables, psu´s - some of them not available in Europe before. We will also sell cases from Lian Li and Skyhawk at competitive prices.
Furthermore we have the chance to get all interesting products like graphics cards, latest CPU's and much more for reviewing. Please read more, your comments are welcome.

Warp2Search First Birthday!!!

Published by [NT] 4

Shame on me that I forgot that!
Exactly 1 year ago, two buddies started a small and simple HTML website, content was only weblinks and some news, updated 1 times a day.
We were lucky when we had more than 2 visitors a day and now?
More than 30.000 visitors take a look at our site and every day we get more and more. I would like to thank our newsposters especially NewsFactory for your great support and your kick ass news and I would like to thank Mike Hoffmann from MikeMth.de for this kick ass server. And a special thank you goes out to YOU for all your support, suggestions, comments and for your visits. Hope to see you next year to Warp2 2nd birthday! Stay tuned!
Yours Degger* Rancho*: WooT! I really don't want to sound commercial here but I guess 'Just do it.' is what fits. Thanks to all of you and all our affiliates. Thanks to Gerhard, Mr. Wu of Lian Li and the Tweaknow team for supporting us. Hint: If you would like to be enlisted here for supporting Warp2Search on the 2nd birthday just drop me a line. Sponsoring positions are available! ;-)

Warp2Search Attacked!

Published by [NT] 1

Yesterday evening, between 8 - 11 pm +2 GMT, we were attacked by some people and this attack caused a serverdowntime for about 3 hours. We are checking the logfiles at the moment but we have already found some usable traces. We have contacted the german jurisdiction and it looks good to find out who these people were. Stay tuned, we keep you informed.

W.32.Klez Worm Virus!

Published by [NT] 0

Just wondering if some people never heard about Antivirus software or if they simply don't use it. I receive about 60 - 100 emails daily with the W.32.Klez Worm virus included. Most of them from the webmaster account of this site, which is used for registration purposes. This worm is old enough and any virus software will detect it. Make sure to have the latest virus definitions and updates and scan the mail you receive. Best
Degger* Update: Symantec has a tool online, which removes any infection with the W32.Klez.H@mm. Run it on your computer and remove this damn beast.
Get the tool over here.

Warp2Search Survey!

Published by [NT] 0

Dear visitors,
I would like to ask you to fill out the survey below.
Why this survey? We need this, to find the right and most useful advertisement for you to serve you with interesting and well targeted ads so that we don't run ads which do not fit in our content. You don't have to fill out the survey but I would like to ask you to do it. You will help us to serve better ads and keep Warp2Search running.
Survey There's nothing to identify you personally, and you won't receive any email or other sales pitches by participating. The survey takes less than two minutes, and when you are finished you will be returned to the page you just left. Please answer each question as best you can, and thanks again for your cooperation and your help to improve our site. Your Warp2Search Team

Sniper Comes To Warp2Search!

Published by [NT] 0

Not long ago Maxreboot.com unfortunately closed, but thanks to Warp2Search a sub section of that site survives and is now available here. This section is called Sniper Tech and hopes to further enrich your experience at Warp2Search. Press read more for further info or you can view the contents of this section directly, via pressing HERE or on the right under the heading Sniper Tech.

About The Server Change!

Published by [NT] 0

Hi there,
after our server change and a few days running I would like to know what you think about Warp2Search's new home.
Do you have any problems accessing the site, is the site fast or slow for you, did you find any bugs or problems on the site? Please let us know in our forum over here so that we can solve and fix problems you have.

Forums Updated & Running!

Published by [NT] 0

The forums are updated and they are running fine now. One problem though. We have lost the user avatars, so you have to upload them again in your profile folder. Sorry for this :-( Stay tuned.

Warp2Search Errors!

Published by [NT] 0

Allright Ladies and Gentleman, It looks like the site is running fine now. The www.warp2search.net domain runs fine for me but it can take some hours that other DNS servers worldwide have updated themselves and that the site is reachable from everywhere on the globe. The forums are running now, too. If you find errors please let us know and drop us a line where u discovered the error and what the error message was. Also the files are down at the moment but we are working hard on this to set them up but it can take 2 or 3 days. Also I received a lot of emails and I noticed in serveral forums that you people have missed us.
It a very good feeling for us to know that we do something right for you guys out there. Thanks for all your support you gave to us.
Also a big thanks goes out to NeoWin.Net and MaxReboot.Com for your support, help and opinions.
Allright, let´s go back to business ;-)

Warp2Search.Com Server Change

Published by [NT] 0

Here we are back !
What has happend the last days?
Well, we have left TechConnect and we have switched to an own server. On this server we want to give you an improved content and some other things will change in the near future.
We have decided to switch the server because we think, that Warp2Search is big and famous enough to run on it´s own feets. Also we have have more possibilitys to improve our site and our content.
But now it costs our own money but I think everything will work.
A big thank you goes to GSM-International for their great support .
Also I would like to thank TechConnect for their great support in the past. If you need a host for your site, write them a mail and I think, they can help you. It could be that you find some errors on the site like none working links and sql errors, we are working on this.
Also the Warp2Search.Net domain is down but it will be up in the next 48 hours. Stay tuned!

Warp2Search Klip!

Published by [NT] 0

Serence? Klipfolio? is a free information channel viewer that lets you view and manage Klip? information channels right on your desktop. KlipFolio is a real time saver - a "break through the clutter" approach to gathering information that interests you. Download it now - you'll be up and running in less than a minute! I would like to ask you about your opinions with the Klip technology. What do you think about it? Is it useful for you or do you have any improvements in mind for our Klip and the Klip technology itself? Please leave a comment in our forums here. You don't know what a Klip is? Check out Serence and learn more or read our interview with the chief-developer over here.
Download our klip over here.

Win A Free License Of Customizer XP!

Published by [NT] 0

Here we are with another round of our Customizer XP game.
You can win a free license of Customizer XP when you read our Customizer XP review over here. Head over to the last page and there you find the instructions how to win the license. We want to thank TweakNow.Com for sponsoring this license. Good luck!

First Winner Of A Customizer XP License!

Published by [NT] 0

We have the first winner for our Customizer XP Game!
And the conrgatulation goes to:
John Alderson We will send you all information via mail.
Thanks to all who had tried to win a license too, on next Monday we start the second round and you can win a free license of Customizer XP again! For all who didn't know: The right answer was: 13 eggs ;-)

Netscape And Mozilla Problems...

Published by [NT] 0

I received some email from people, who told me that they sometimes have problems accessing the site with the new Netscape 6.2.2 and Mozilla 0.9.9 browsers. I tested the site with Netscape too and I had no problems.
If you have probems, I would like to ask you to post the errors in our forums or if you find something that can help me to identify the error.
Please post the errors here. Thank you.

Some Neat Happenings On Planet-XP.de!

Published by [NT] 0

I just wanted to inform our german visitors about two special happenings we have running on Planet XP:
We have a specially trained Windows expert on board who is able to answer your support questions about all Windows related OS for free. We have a banner contest online, where you can win a very nice german book if you create a nice logo for us. Here are the links: Free Windows Support
Logo Contest

CDRWin Name Abused?!

Published by [NT] 0

I noticed on the web that serveral big sites are presenting the GoldenHawk / Padus CDRWin 5.0 for download.
I had contact directly with GoldenHawk and the version which was released a few days ago, is NOT officially developed by GoldenHawk or Padus. The version which is floating around the web is manufactured by a third party group and NOT supported in any way by the official companys.
We are waiting for an official statement from GoldenHawk regarding this matter. We already learned from them that this version is definitely rebuild by using the CDRWin name.
Also users reports show that there are some serious issues running this software.

Latest Forum Posts Back!

Published by [NT] 0

Yes, Í know you missed it but now it is back and running.
After our forums update I had to change the function a bit but now it is running fine.
In the block "Latest Forums Posts" you see the latest running topics in our forums.
Make sure to pay the forums a visit. There are some nice features for you when you register like:
Upload your own avatars create own polls and some other nice features.


Forum Trouble...

Published by [NT] 0

It's new and we had the first trouble ;-)
After we installed the new forum we had some problems with our MySql database and so the forum was unreachable because we had an overflow in one table.
Unfortunately it was the user table and I had to drop it to solve the problem.
All userdata, who had registered after upgrading the forums have been lost :-((.
The other userdata was save so you can use your account normally.
Only the brand new users have to register again. Sorry!

New Forums Online!

Published by [PM] 0

We are glad to announce that we have upgraded our forums succesfully. Sporting a new sleek design adapted to the main page this is our new service for you. All previously registered users can continue posting but we advise you to delete your cookies first. New features are: New design Improved navigation Registered users can create polls Registered users can upload their own avatars Online statistics Improve search function and direct jumping between forums much more... Enter The New Warp2Search Community If you encounter any bugs or issues please leave a comment in the feedback forum or here. We may be customizing the forums over the next few days so please be patient.