PHP Problems...

Published by [PM] 3

You may have noticed we are having some troubles with our PHP engine. Stay tuned we are at it.

Windows Commander 5.0 Beta 4!

Published by NewsFactory 2

Hi all,

I got an email from TRiBAL : hello. could u please give me the correct link for windows commander 5.0 beta? the one on warp2search is pointing to the old version! thanks alot!

Well I did some digging arounds and it seem Betanews made a F@~@ up.

Story 14. Windows Commander 5.0 Beta 4 Beta Version File manager replacement for Windows January 11 - 07:12 AM the link
and now they have change the Windows Commander 5.0 Beta 4 main page to Windows Commander 4.54. Sorry about that.

So if anyone got Windows Commander 5.0 Beta 4 please pass the file on to US as the Windows Commander site is still on v4.54 or it was a fake!

Update: This was posted in the comments:

it's not a public release, it's a private beta (and as such, shouldn't be posted on public sites... like fileforum :p
please wait for the 5.0 release :) it will rock anyway ;)

New Viruses!

Published by NewsFactory 0

Hi all,

A big thx to the Muppet that sent me the viruses!!!LOL as degger always says " what goes around comes around".

Virus tips and tricks:

Here's a few things u can do to help yourself and others

1.check for updates to your anti-virus software once a week

2. most viruses spread through your email programmes so add an entry to your address book , which will bounce and stop the virus from spreading to your nearest and dearest

3. If you use outlook express go to Tools > options > security > in the IE explorer security zone check the following

Restrictive site zone ( more secure)
Warn me when other applications try and send mail as me.
Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that potentially could be a virus.

So post your tips and tricks in comments.

And to the person who posted the Cacheman 5.1 update thx for the news but it's already been posted.

Massive Download Section Overhaul!

Published by [PM] 1

Alright folks. It's done. As you might have already noticed I restructured the whole download archive! :)
It is now much more comfortable to browse and I updated, verified and added some cool downloads for you. As a special gift I uploaded new official Windows XP Powertoys which now come with the ISOBurner and AudioShellPlayer! A small list of new downloads is available under read more.

Latest Forum Posts Block!

Published by [NT] 2

You wanted it, here is it.
Many users wanted a small overview about our latest forum posts.
When you take look on the top right of this site, you will notice that there is a new block with the latest 5 posts in our forums. Enjoy! I hope, you´ll like it. ;-)) Yours Degger*

New News poster!

Published by NewsFactory 1

Hi All,

Am the NewsFactory and I will be taking over from shitshot who is going on his hols!!!

So if there's any thing u like me to post or u have any breaking news don't hesitate to let me know

Speed Up Your System Performance...

Published by [NT] 2

I ve created a new forum which is called System Performance.
In this forum I want to collect YOUR best tips and tricks how to speed up your computer and I want to create an online faq with the best user to user tips how to speed up your system.
Please tell us your best tips and tricks how you have increased your complete system performance.
Post them here

Forum Posts

Published by [NT] 6

Noticed that in our forums:
Can someone help me i have a Pentium 3 933mhz 128mb of Ram Visiontek Geforce 3 running under WindowsME. Well anyway my Games freeze up for a sec like say im running 120 fps on Castle wolfenstein sometimes it jumps down to 4 fps whats up with that i thought the geforce 3 was an awesome card shit i spent 350 for mine and i dont know whats up these bencmarks i see i should be running faster do i need more ram is my cpu fast enought someone please reply or e-mail.....ReadMore Hey Ive got a gefore 2 mx 400 64meg here and im using windows xp, asus a7v mobo with latest asus bios (1080 i believe) via 4 in 1's are 1.37a and when i play my games i get a the infinate loop bsod and it restarts my computer..anyone else have this problem? im using the 21.83s. had probs with the 22.50,22.80 and the 23xx drives to. What can i do?....Read More

Site Logo´s

Published by [NT] 0

If you want to put an Warp2Search logo on your site, choose one of them shown below.
Most of them were send in by some nice visitors of our site.
If you want to support us with a logo, send them in to Degger Feel free to grab one and put it on your site.
And thank you for all your submissions. No.1 created and sended in by doZE! No.2 No.3 created and sended in by Israel Fernández No.4 No.5 created and sended in by Peter Malmstrom No.6 No.7 created and sended as a thank you for the Warp2Search Team by José Dias. No.8
created by Greg Fleming over @ Dark Project Studios.

We Are Back In Business...

Published by [NT] 0

You probably have noticed that the last days were lacking some posts from Rancho* and myself.
I was very busy with the christmas stuff... visiting friends, family and so on and Rancho* had to work on his job the whole christmas days. (Poor guy)
But now we are back in business. I would like to thank ShitShot for keeping the site updated during the christmas days. Thank you buddy. Allright boys and girls... Let's rock the web!

Warp2 Forums!

Published by shitshot 7

Hi all,
Might as well say it now Happy Xmas to all and Happy new Year! :D

Well peeps the question I got is? Y don't u use the forums. So if any of u have any suggestions on making the forums better, post your comments here and maybe we can get the forums rocking!

New Domain!

Published by [NT] 13

We received serveral emails from people, who told us, that our domain /.net is very uncomfortable to remember. For those people we have chosen to activate a new domain which is called: Your Warp2Search / planet-xp team ;-)

Newsposter on

Published by [NT] 0

There are still open positions at the german branch of Warp2Search.
We are looking for some comitted people who have basic html experience, natural appeal to PC-Hardware, Software... news.
It would be nice if you have some english experience tot transfer some of the english news to the german site. If you´re interested drop me a line here or contact me via ICQ #123841946 There are also some open positions on this site, if you´re interested drop Rancho a line. (These will be harder to get though. Spiffy, were are you???) Cu then ;-)

Switching Camps!

Published by [PM] 14

First of all sorry for the lack of posts from my point in the last days. Luckily there was not much to report anyway. Actually I was quite busy setting up my new rig and I must say I'm actually quite happy with it so far. You may now wonder why this post is called switching camps, eh? Well I went with Intel the last years and this is my first AMD system. Furthermore I added an ATI board to the rig. If you're interested in specs and a preliminary 3DMark 2001 result, hit read more.

Some Downloads Removed!

Published by [PM] 9

I was notified by Hilbert Haagedorn of Guru3D stating the following: I noticed you have several tools on-line of which has an exclusive distribution right outside Russia. I want to urge you to take them down right away. Detonator Destroyer NVIDIA BIOS editor RivaTuner You seem to run a respectable site, so I really don't want to get all legal here, I know you'll do the right thing and act accordingly. This just sort of explains why we cannot offer them to you as a local download. Sorry folks.

Poll Results!

Published by [NT] 0

Here are the top 5 of our last poll: Which Firewall Is Your Favourite?
And the winner is:
1. ZoneAlarm Pro with 23.06 % and 837 votes.
followed by
2. ZoneAlarm Standard with 19.81 % and 719 votes.
3. Norton Personal Firewall 14.71 % and 534 votes.
4 . Other firewalls 12.23 % with 444 votes
5. WinXP integrated 10.36 % with 376 votes
And uncountable votes for the Tiny Personal Firewall cause we forget to place this one in the poll. Sorry for that. For the next poll we need your help. Details are shown on the post below!

What´s Your Favourite Software?

Published by [NT] 0

Today I want to ask you:
What is your favourite Software?
With this results we want to create a Top 10 List of the favourite Software used by the Warp2Search Visitors. So head over to our Forums and tell us, which software you like or use most!

The Lack Of Posting!

Published by [NT] 1

Sorry about the lack of updates on my behalf lately, but I've been really busy for school. I have exams coming up in a week and I really need to study this time :-)
Let's hope I haven't thrown my PC away out of aggression in a couple of weeks. If that isn't the case, I'll be back at "full force" :-)
C Y'all!

Warp2Search Gets German Too!

Published by [NT] 12

Wir wollen versuchen, die Warp2Search nun auch auch auf Deutsch anzubieten!
Wenn Ihr intesse habt an der deutschen Version als Newsposter mitzuarbeiten, dann schreibt einfach ein Post in dieses Forum Wir hoffen auf zahlreiche Posts!