Just A Quick Intro!

Published by [NT] 0

I just wanted to introduce myself and thank the warp2search team for bringing me aboard :D I will soon have some more time on my hands to post some more useful info for all the readers of warp2search.

I will soon be doing another case mod and will do a guide on this new one from start to finish. Here's a look at my first mod done about a month ago. It's by far the best out there but not too shabby for a first mod.

Only For A Very Short Time !

Published by [NT] 12

Some guys of you are wondering about why I have stopped posting the last time.
The reason: @ the moment I am working on an new site design for the Warp2Search and i want to ask you, if you like to have a first, early preview look of our new site design.
Leave a comment what do you think about it! The site isn´t much fast and you could have some problems to access it, hit refesh for a couple of times. Check out the new design over Link closed Update: Thanks for all your comments and opinions, I agree with the most of them. This design you had seen is an early beta. It needs a little bit more fine tuning and I am thinking about a new color design. But it isn´t easy to find ;-).
I ll keep you informed.

Open Position @ Warp2Search News Team!

Published by [PM] 0

Well our news team is not yet complete and we're looking for someone to fill the gap. If you feel you're up to the task and spent some time on the net on a daily basis then you're probably the one we're looking for. Applicants can check more detailed info in our forums.

Ad Problems!

Published by [NT] 6

I think, you all have noticed that we have bad problems with our ad windows and the content of them. We have already contacted the ad firm and they told us, that they have severe problems with their servers and their database but they told us that they are working on this. We would like to say sorry for that and please stay tuned, they're working on it. Your Warp2Search Team! Update by Rancho*: Read more...

Sorry For The Downtime!

Published by [NT] 0

Sorry for the downtime we had the last hours. We had some bad attacks from outside and it hit our servers hard but now all is fixed and running! Stay tuned!

If You Submit News...

Published by [NT] 0

First off all, I'd like to thank everybody for the news they're submitting. But please, put your name in the message! I don't like putting news on the site written by "Anonymous"... So in the future, please give us a name or nickname. Thanx

All Downloads Verified!

Published by [PM] 0

Ok folks, you may have noticed that our download archive has suffered from an unknown data loss. We have uploaded all lost files (removed some you wouldn't use anyway). Browse the archive Thanks for your patience.

All Drivers Lost!

Published by [NT] 0

Tonight we have lost all our driver archive! Nobody knows how and why but we are still on it to put them online again!
Stay tuned!

New Site Logo!

Published by [PM] 0

We have changed our main site logo. It has officially been chosen by you our users. We ran a poll on the change of the logo and the new one won with 76.71%. The cool design was submitted by our user doZE. Thanks for that! ;-)

Warp2Search No. 2!

Published by [PM] 2

Ok, Ok I know this is temporarily but I just couldn't restrain from posting this! ;-)) For the first time ever Warp2Search is listed as No. 2 on the Counted.com PC hardware website list (you can also vote for us @ that site)! Awesome folks. If we keep growing @ the current rate Warp2Search might become one of the leading news sites around. Remember we started 5 months ago! Thanks to YOU! P.S. We're still looking for companies wanting to get their hardware reviewed by us. If you're interested contact me. Stay tuned.

Get A Glimpse Of The Future!

Published by [NT] 8

You all remember, on sunday I had shown you some logo´s that I created myself and after that I received some emails from really cool people, who created an Warp2Search logo for us. That's commitment! First of all I would like to give a big thank you for the submissions and an overall thanks for the response we received. And now we want to show you the best of them, and it´s your choice which logo we take for the future. Click on Read More and take a look @ them! On the right site of the article you will find a poll, please vote for your favourite! Rancho*: COOL! Keep stuff like that coming, folks. Perhaps we will do a logo rotation so all your logo's get displayed... One never knows. HeHeHe

1000th News Post!?

Published by [NT] 1

I just noticed that my last post, the one about Gore was the 1000th post of the site!!!

Wow man, 644000 visitors & 1000 posts.... we're getting bigger every day! ;-)


New Logo?

Published by [NT] 11

This evening I played a little bit with the gimp, a famous graphics editing tool, to create a new logo for our site.
Please click Read More and take a look @ it and write a comment if you like or dislike it.
I am not an professional designer, please don´t expect to much ;-) Thank you. Update: Just @ the moment I received a really great logo from a visitor, his name his Mark. I f you like to create a logo for us, send them in and we will show them all on the site and you can decide, which one we take. Let´s the graphics tools burn!

Registered Users Get 127 News Max!

Published by [PM] 0

We received a couple of eMails from several people, stating they cannot read news from yesterday anymore on the main page ;-)). As a registered user everyone has the possibility of increasing the number of presented news displayed up to a maximum of 127 news items for themselves. (Via the personal settings!)
But please note: More news is resulting in a longer loading time! Stay tuned for the most comprehensive news on the web!
Your Warp2Search Team!

500.000 Visitors!!!

Published by [NT] 3

500.000 Visitors We hit the 500.000 Visitors mark exactly 4 months and 8 days after we got onto the web!
We started as a little HTML website which was updated every 2 or 3 days because it was really hard to update the site. (Only possible with uploading the whole site every update.;-)
And now ,each of us, especially Rancho*, spends about 4-7 hours a day to find the news, to upload drivers and writing new articles to keep the site updated and all that after the regular work or study! I would like to thank ShitShot, Threatlockz & Lindz for their great work on the site. Also I would like to thank our pals over @ WinOsCentral, NvMax, MaxReboot and TechConnect and all the other sites for all your support you gave to us!
And I would like to thank my girlfriend who looses lot´s of time with me because I am working on this site. I love you baby!
And thanks to all our visitors, because you all gave us the motivation to work on this site.
We hope you enjoy your time @ Warp2search!
If you have any suggestions, hints, tipps and tricks to let the site grow, write a comment or send us a feedback! Stay tuned!
Your´s Degger*

Site Loads Faster!

Published by [NT] 5

Hi folks,
I just worked a little bit on our site and I have changed something so that the site can load faster (up to 50%). It´s not server related! I only changed the code a bit. Please tell me if you have any problems accessing the site or if you receive error messages. Have fun!
Your´s Degger*

Problem Fixed!

Published by [PM] 0

Just got note that our server problem is fixed now. According to Viper from M3DZone one of our membersites had a mysterious script running that caused 500 processes on the server... GRRR. For now things are back to normal. Stay tuned.

Some Words From Lindz...!

Published by [NT] 0

Hi guys, you might have noticed I've not been active for about a week. I've got a few bad personal problems which I need to sort out. I'm not likely to get the chance to update until I've worked things out. If I can I will but if I don't at least you know why. Hopefully things should be sorted soon within a couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks Steve. (Lindz) Degger*: Allright buddy, hope to see you back again soon...

On My Absence...

Published by [PM] 0

Morning folks, you might have wondered about my lack of news updates. I'm on nightwatch on ward this week so I'm sleeping over day and there remains little time for the site. I will get back to serious business on tuesday afternoon. Meanwhile the rest of the team will take care of business. Stay with us. Rancho*